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Howto offline #3

Open digital3mpire opened 6 years ago

digital3mpire commented 6 years ago

In what way could we bring the initial content into gallery space? Any ideas? Wishes?

iintima commented 6 years ago

Well, one way of how to do it, is to keep it simple: each participant transforms her/his GitHub contribution into any kind of physical piece by her/himself (using the tools which suits her/his work best). All other options require some serious organization, production and finances. Now, do we have these three things?

digital3mpire commented 6 years ago

@iintima nobody has money in metamoderne. Did you forget?

digital3mpire commented 6 years ago

we just discussed at least to print the commit history on long paper

iintima commented 6 years ago

printing the commit history on a long paper is a wonderful solution ✓

vommitron commented 6 years ago

what the fuck is long paper?

vommitron commented 6 years ago

LKW PLANE (PVC) is also cool and inexpensive

vommitron commented 6 years ago

"nobody has money in metamoderne"--- other than the bitcoin economy_bots, i.e (bzw.) the dishwasher making business with the vacuum cleaner, or also the electric toothbrush making business with the answering machine. SOOO NETWORK HAUS 3.0 :.)