digitalbazaar / forge

A native implementation of TLS in Javascript and tools to write crypto-based and network-heavy webapps
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Argon2 support? #591

Open Nantris opened 6 years ago

Nantris commented 6 years ago

As computers grow ever more powerful, and as Argon2 continues to hold its own in the real world, the need for a better password hashing mechanism will become necessary. It would be amazing if this library supported Argon2. Currently it's only implemented in NodeJS native packages.

Is there any interest from the maintainers in pursuing this? I would love to use it.

PS, thanks for the incredible cryptography library!

davidlehn commented 6 years ago

It seems like a pure js implementation of argon2 could be useful outside of forge. Why not just make an independent lib? I doubt forge authors will have time to look into this anytime soon considering all the other high priority TODO items.

Nantris commented 6 years ago

So far it looks like we have native node implementations, Web Assembly, and also this library, Libsodium, which appears to have a pure Javascript implementation. I just came across that one last night, so I've yet to test: