digitalbazaar / jsonld.js

A JSON-LD Processor and API implementation in JavaScript
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@type in context not expanding @base #276

Open rubensworks opened 5 years ago

rubensworks commented 5 years ago

Parsing the following throws an error:

  "@context": {
    "@base": "",
    "@vocab": null,
    "p": { "@id": "", "@type": "bla" }
  "@id": "",
  "p": "bla"


jsonld.SyntaxError: Invalid JSON-LD syntax; an @context @type value must be an absolute IRI.

As far as I understand, this should however not throw an error, and instead expand the @type based on the @base value.

If I'm correct, this document is equivalent to the following: (which does not produce an error)

  "@context": {
    "@base": "",
    "@vocab": null
  "@id": "",
  "": { "@value": "val", "@type": "bla" }


<> <> "val"^^<> .
gkellogg commented 5 years ago

From Context Definitions:

If the expanded term definition contains the @type keyword, its value MUST be an absolute IRI, a compact IRI, a term, null, or one of the keywords @id or @vocab.

In the first case "bla" does not expand to any of those, thus the error is raised.

rubensworks commented 5 years ago

If I understand that definition correctly, then the following should also produce an error, right? (As it includes a relative IRI, but this time with a valid vocabulary)

  "@context": {
    "@base": "",
    "@vocab": ""
  "@id": "",
  "": { "@value": "val", "@type": "bla" }

Instead, it outputs:

<> <> "val"^^<> .

From a developers-perspective, this feels like an inconsistency in the spec. So I'm wondering if it would make sense to discuss this over at and move the issue?

gkellogg commented 5 years ago

Ecause of @vocab, “bla” does expand to an absolute IRI, so is correct. In any case, it’s not an error, but the resulting triple would be dropped if it contains a relative IRI.