digitalbazaar / jsonld.js

A JSON-LD Processor and API implementation in JavaScript
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How to add a type definition to an array of objects? #307

Closed rmeissn closed 4 years ago

rmeissn commented 5 years ago

I've read most parts of and a lot on stackoverflow, but still have no idea how to add classes to a list of objects. Hence I have the following json:

"@id": "",
"answers": [
      "answerText": "Answer 1",
      "points": 3
      "answerText": "Answer 2",
      "points": 0

and this context:

"@context": {
  "@version": 1.1,
  "points": {"@id": "", "@type": ""},
  "answers": {"@id": "", "@type": "", "@container": "@set"},
  "answerText": {"@id": "", "@type": ""}

These resolve to:

<> <> _:b0 .
<> <> _:b1 .
_:b0 <> "Answer 1"^^<> .
_:b0 <> "3"^^<> .
_:b1 <> "Answer 2"^^<> .
_:b1 <> "0"^^<> .

which is correct. But I also want the result to contain:

 _:b0 a <> .
 _:b1 a <> .

like I tried to define in the context. So each answer object shall get the same class definition. I guess this is possible by using node type indexing, but it requires me to alter the json schema (which I don't want). Is there any way I achieve the desired result without altering the actual json (e.g. by a definition in the "@context")?

Vehnem commented 5 years ago

Without altering i have no idea

  "@context": {
  "@version": 1.1,
    "points": { "@id": "", "@type": ""},
    "answers": { "@id": "", "@container": "@set"},
    "answerText": { "@id": "", "@type": ""},
    "ex" : "" 

"@id": "",
"answers": [
      "answerText": "Answer 1",
      "points": 3,
      "@type" : "ex:Answer"
      "answerText": "Answer 2",
      "points": 0,
      "@type" : "ex:Answer"
davidlehn commented 5 years ago

It's better to bring up issues like this in the JSON-LD syntax spec issue tracker since it's an issue for other implementations too. This type of request has been brought up before in the CG and now the 1.1 WG. I think it was decided to not add this sort of functionality at this time. And more generally to not add features that add data during processing. Adding a @type to everything in an array is the common use case, but if a feature like that exists it should probably handle more than just @type. And pretty soon you have a feature design complexity issue. Feel free to bring this up, but it may not be addressed until a future spec. In the meantime you might look into your own custom processing step to add data.

dlongley commented 4 years ago

Closing per @davidlehn's comments.