digitalbirdo / BT-LinkkeySync

Scripts to synchronize bluetooth link keys from mac OSX to windows
MIT License
111 stars 32 forks source link

clover option #1

Open diepnt90 opened 7 years ago

diepnt90 commented 7 years ago

Dear ,

Thanks so much for your guide.

could you tell me how to use asus BT400 and apple keyboard to change OS on clover.

i install mac os 10.12 and windows 7 too.

digitalbirdo commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem like you. Currently having a second small keyboard under the table ;) Will try to get a solution with an arduino emulating the arrow keys and adding some buttons to my casemod.

Other solution would be to get a bluetooth dongle with HID-Proxy mode:

Keep me updated if you find a solution for this :)

Edit: Just ordered a Belkin F8T016NG... I'll let you know if it works ;) Edit2: works great