digitalbirdo / BT-LinkkeySync

Scripts to synchronize bluetooth link keys from mac OSX to windows
MIT License
112 stars 32 forks source link

Bluetooth 4.0 - EDIV, IRK, LTK. #10

Open proactivematter opened 6 years ago

proactivematter commented 6 years ago

Hey @digitalbirdo,

Are you still supporting LinkkeySync? I read on a forum that instead of Link Keys, BT 4.0 devices actually use EDIV, IRK and LTK. I didn't test this because this whole process is too time consuming for the setting to be lost if something where to happen (if I need to re-pair the devices due to some issue).

Anyway, I'm at a loss on how to succeed on this endeavor of dual booting my 4.0 BT devices. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.


haframjolk commented 6 years ago

+1 from me. I've been struggling with my Xbox One controller (BT 4.2 according to Apple's Bluetooth Explorer). I can connect it to both OSes by using BT-LinkkeySync but it doesn't actually work on Windows. Windows doesn't receive any valid input, even though it recognizes the controller. I've tried doing this the other way, connecting it to Windows first, exporting registry keys and adding them to the plist on macOS, but I haven't had any luck yet.

foxevereg commented 5 years ago

foxevereg commented 5 years ago

This Issue may help.