digitalbirdo / BT-LinkkeySync

Scripts to synchronize bluetooth link keys from mac OSX to windows
MIT License
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Support key sync from Windows to MacOS #18

Open deed02392 opened 4 years ago

deed02392 commented 4 years ago

I just did this manually and it was pretty straightforward.

From a paired device in Windows 10 (the Bose 700s, which interestingly support LE but were not paired by LE), I exported the link key data, changed the endianness to MacOS, then replaced this in the Mojave /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/ (I used a hex editor to find and replace the existing paired key with Windows').

The only gotcha was that I had to not only disable Bluetooth before modifying the plist file, but also perform a system reboot before starting Bluetooth again. Otherwise, something was reverting the key change to the plist file. I tried to see if I could figure out which specific service was doing this but didn't have any luck.

I appreciate that perhaps replacing the key on Windows is easier than the above but wanted to share that it is indeed possible nevertheless.

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

try this it converts BTKeys.Reg from Windows to blued.plist for macOS

deed02392 commented 3 years ago

Cool @roddy20. I haven't tested it but how sure are you that the offsets you use with sed are reliable?

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

it works for me :) it is not "ready to release product", just an idea, feеl free to make it better

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

about offsets, I think these lines always have equal length [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys**342387feece6] "d49a207f0a02"=hex:ec,f3,a6,90,8e,3c,af,50,ff,0b,76,e3,b8,8e,77,75**

but I agree, parsing from | to ], from " to " and from : to the end will be better

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

we can make it more simple Mac-addresses of Mouse and BTDongle are exactly the same in Windows and macOS, so we really need this value only hex:ec,f3,a6,90,8e,3c,af,50,ff,0b,76,e3,b8,8e,77,75

deed02392 commented 3 years ago

What d'you mean by mac addresses? The number on the left before =? I guess that's some kind of device ID?

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

What d'you mean by mac addresses? The number on the left before =? I guess that's some kind of device ID?

"d49a207f0a02" is macaddress for Mouse and 342387feece6 is macadress for BT Dongle, they are constants until you change the hardware

hex:ec,f3,a6,90,8e,3c,af,50,ff,0b,76,e3,b8,8e,77,75 is a pairing key and it is new for each new re-connection so we need to sync it between all the systems

deed02392 commented 3 years ago

Right. You still need both values - the MAC in order to know which key to update on the other OS.

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

Right. You still need both values - the MAC in order to know which key to update on the other OS.

Ok here it is without sed maybe it will be better `cd "$(dirname "$0")" rm /tmp/temp.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add LinkKeys dict" /tmp/temp.plist input=BTKeys.reg while IFS= read -r line do if [[ "$line" == 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' ]] then t=$(printf "%s" ${line} | awk -F \ '{print $8}' | tr -d ']') echo echo "BT:"$t /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add LinkKeys:$t dict" /tmp/temp.plist fi

if [[ "$line" == '=hex' ]] then key=$(printf "%s" ${line} | awk -F '=' '{print $1}' | tr -d '"') value=$(printf "%s" ${line} | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d ',') echo $key $value printf $value | xxd -r -p > /tmp/bin /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Import LinkKeys:$t:$key /tmp/bin" /tmp/temp.plist plutil -convert binary1 /tmp/temp.plist fi

done < "$input" echo mv /tmp/temp.plist ./blued.plist `

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

and the missing part psexec64 -s reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys C:\BTKeys.reg

deed02392 commented 3 years ago

This is nice @roddy20 :) you could try writing this as Python and submitting a pull request, then you would appear as a contributing author to this repository

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

This is nice @roddy20 :) you could try writing this as Python and submitting a pull request, then you would appear as a contributing author to this repository

I understand nothing in Python, so you may use it "as is" or add to main project as some kind of alternative solution or ask someone else to rewrite to Python or C++ or anything else ))

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

This is nice @roddy20 :) you could try writing this as Python and submitting a pull request, then you would appear as a contributing author to this repository

if we have WinClone installed, we can read directly from Window's Registry /Applications/

Example: registry_lookup "/Volumes/Bootcamp/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys " but it does not work for me yet

roddy20 commented 3 years ago

and one more script for those who has a lot of different macOSes installed `if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" exit 1 fi

if [[ -f "/private/var/root/Library/Preferences/" ]] then source="/private/var/root/Library/Preferences/" fi

if [[ -f "/private/var/root/Library/Preferences/blued.plist" ]] then source="/private/var/root/Library/Preferences/blued.plist" fi

if [[ $source ]] then defaults read $source else echo "File not found" exit fi

for s in /Volumes/*/private/var/root/Library/Preferences do

if [[ -f "$s/" ]] then target="$s/" fi

if [[ -f "$s/blued.plist" ]] then target="$s/blued.plist" fi

cp -v "${source}" "${target}"
