digitalbirdo / BT-LinkkeySync

Scripts to synchronize bluetooth link keys from mac OSX to windows
MIT License
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Support for Linux #3

Open ratheesh opened 7 years ago

ratheesh commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to support Linux OS as well?

ekuester commented 6 years ago

In my eyes should be highly desirable. The relevant file is named info and is located in /var/lib/bluetooth/F8:63:3F:3C:11:E3/7C:6D:62:F4:9C:88/info. The last subdirectories vary dependent from the address of the bluetooth device (here I give the address of an Apple Magic Mouse). So if you could provide a similar solution, I would be deeply grateful.

ekuester commented 6 years ago

I found a working solution with help of the python script. Look at Dual-Boot-Bluetooth-Pairing ... Perhaps your script could generate a further text file with the link key in form of a line with Key= in front, and then the 32 characters (without commata, letters in upper case).