digitalbrain79 / darknet-nnpack

Darknet with NNPACK
305 stars 75 forks source link

Movidius NCS #29

Open akde opened 5 years ago

akde commented 5 years ago

Hi @digitalbrain79

Thx for this awesome repo. Thanks to your repository, I can run yolov3-tiny in RP 3B + with 1.2 FPS.

I am planning to use Movidius NCS together with RP 3b+. So my questions are:

-Is this repo compatible with mentioned NCS? I mean I know it is possible to use NCS with YOLO (pjreddie version) but does it work when I use NCS with your repo?

-If yes how many FPS can I get with it using yolov3-tiny? (your repo + NCS + yolov3-tiny) -How many FPS can I get with it using original yolov3? (your repo + NCS + original yolo)

Thanks again for the repository.

shartoo commented 5 years ago

That' what a want to know.Yolov2(caffe version model) can be ran on Movidius NCS while yolov3 not.It seems that yolov3 cannot run on this repo?I have tried yolov3(coco cfg) but failed with segament fatal error.

akde commented 5 years ago

@shartoo Hi

Have you tried Movidius with yolov3 or yolov3-tiny? If yes can you inform me about the performance? I mean FPS.

shartoo commented 5 years ago

No, i havn't but someone did and failed

Majd0507 commented 5 years ago

Hello, @akde can you help me with this error "" ?? I want to run yolov3-tiny in RP 3B + like you

akde commented 5 years ago

@Majd0507 Hi sure I can which repo are you following?

Majd0507 commented 5 years ago

@akde that one I followed the same steps as you but I blocked in this error : image

laissaouibrahim commented 5 years ago

1) try this : 2) For me this directory : /ninja , /NNPACK-darknet and /darknet-nnpack should be at the same level (/root/...)