digitalcoyote / chocolatey-packages

Template repository for Chocolatey Automatic Package Updater Module
MIT License
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Several Packages Erroring Out on Update #49

Closed digitalcoyote closed 8 months ago

digitalcoyote commented 9 months ago

This is the output of a recent run of hte auto update script, those that failed need to be investigated

[1/55] android-log-viewer ERROR: Invalid version: (11.57s) [2/55] authpass ERROR: Invalid version: (11.45s) [3/55] bazelisk has no updates (11.24s) [4/55] biome ERROR: Can't validate URL Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.": (13.20s) [5/55] bit-git ERROR: Invalid version: (12.34s) [6/55] bonobo-git-server has no updates (11.81s) [7/55] buildozer has no updates (11.39s) [8/55] buffalo has no updates (12.24s) [9/55] buildifier has no updates (11.98s) [10/55] deno has no updates (11.96s) [11/55] dip has no updates (3.31s) [12/55] drawio has no updates (3.89s) [13/55] em-n-en ERROR: Invalid version: (3.23s) [14/55] docto has no updates (5.05s) [15/55] ferdi ERROR: au_GetLatest failed The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly. (3.81s) Repeating fiddler-everywhere (1): System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Can't validate URL Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.": Ignoring fiddler-everywhere (2): System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Can't validate URL Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.": [16/55] fiddler-everywhere has no updates (3.84s) [17/55] ferdium ERROR: Invalid version: (6.47s) [18/55] gitb has no updates (7.34s) [19/55] kubectx has no updates (5.77s) [20/55] informado has no updates (7.59s) [21/55] jcli has no updates (7.30s) [22/55] kind has no updates (7.11s) [23/55] litedb-studio has no updates (5.48s) [24/55] kubens has no updates (6.39s) [25/55] milkman has no updates (5.17s) [26/55] milkman-cassandra has no updates (9.42s) [27/55] milkman-auth has no updates (14.05s) [28/55] milkman-explore has no updates (10.03s) [29/55] milkman-graphql has no updates (13.17s) [30/55] milkman-grpc has no updates (13.94s) [31/55] file-converter is updated to 2.0 and pushed (28.50s) [32/55] milkman-jdbc has no updates (21.45s) [33/55] milkman-note has no updates (20.06s) [34/55] milkman-plugins has no updates (19.31s) [35/55] milkman-privatebin has no updates (18.53s) [36/55] milkman-scripting has no updates (14.98s) [37/55] milkman-test has no updates (10.66s) [38/55] milkman-sio has no updates (17.05s) [39/55] multipass has no updates (8.61s) [40/55] nethermind ERROR: The term '' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. (2.84s) [41/55] milkman-sync-git has no updates (19.34s) [42/55] milkman-ws has no updates (16.41s) [43/55] mypaint ERROR: Bad content type 'text/html': (7.56s) [44/55] n3dr has no updates (6.52s) [45/55] nugetdefense ERROR: Invalid version: (6.19s) [46/55] oh-my-posh has no updates (6.33s) [47/55] sampler has no updates (7.48s) [48/55] sidequest has no updates (4.16s) [49/55] sourcetrail ERROR: Invalid version: (3.42s) [50/55] smmdb-client ERROR: Invalid version: (4.47s) [51/55] syncplay has no updates (5.95s) [52/55] winpinator ERROR: Invalid version: (2.41s) [53/55] usbpid-win has no updates (4.56s) [54/55] yori has no updates (3.95s) [55/55] unused-deps ERROR: Search pattern not found: '(URL64\s=\s)('.*')' (9.63s) Running Report

digitalcoyote commented 8 months ago

File-Converter 2.0 fails to install on my local system. I'll look into the issue and potentially raise an issue on their repo if it's not resolved before I finish looking at these

digitalcoyote commented 8 months ago

AuthPass was broken and a few versions behind. This has been fixed but the update script is more complicated now.

digitalcoyote commented 8 months ago

biome seems to have dropped windows support

digitalcoyote commented 8 months ago

ferdium doesn't have any recent beta's or stable releases (hence the error). That update script ignores nightly builds so it's ok.

digitalcoyote commented 8 months ago

Nethermind had a version parsing issue and should now start updateing again

digitalcoyote commented 8 months ago

Unused Deps had a bad valiue i nthe install script as well as the wrong regex for the version parsing.

digitalcoyote commented 8 months ago

NuGetDefense is my fault, I missed actually attaching the cli file o nthe last release

digitalcoyote commented 8 months ago

The rest seem to be up to date despite errors