digitaldanny / AudioEffectsGlove

A hand tracking glove that controls parameters of various audio effects.
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Presentation Slides #29

Closed digitaldanny closed 3 years ago

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Describe the solution you'd like Need to create PowerPoint slides for presentation on XX/XX/21. Requirements listed below.

From the material in your Preliminary Design Report, put together a PowerPoint presentation that you will give to the class. Make sure you clearly explain what you are doing in your project and how you intend to get it done.

Presentation needs to show: an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.

Presentation Slides

1) Project Title

Team Name

Your Name(s)

2) Project Introduction, What are you trying do develop? What problem are you trying to solve. Where would it be used? What is out there already? Etc,

3) Project Description, What is your hardware? What is your software?

4) Project hardware block diagram, Project software flow chart

5) Gantt Chart for project development

Other notes

Grading Rubric for Presentation Assignment:

Project title: 1 point

Project Introduction: 2 points

Project Description: 2 points

Block Diagram: 1 point

Gantt Chart: 1 point

General ability to communicate to effectively to a wide range of audiences, 3 points. That means a good introduction, keeping a reasonable presentation pace and not reviewing every technical detail (just the major details) and minimizing jargon and acronyms. 3 points.