digitaldanny / AudioEffectsGlove

A hand tracking glove that controls parameters of various audio effects.
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Charger PCB Assembly #49

Closed digitaldanny closed 3 years ago

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Describe the solution you'd like Assemble the Charger PCB and note any issues with the PCB layout here.

Extra Context:

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

PCBs delayed until next Monday (3/29). Remainder of parts came in from Digikey this week, and I will assemble the PCB after I complete #48.

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

The 2.5x5 mm barrel jack does not fit the wall plug I have. Will need to re-order wall plug on amazon for correct dimensions.

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Messed up the connections between the glove connection detector, up/down controller, and frequency controller in the top level charger schematic. The GCON1 header was originally supposed to be shorted from pins 1-2 and pins 3-4, but the corrected connections are from pins 1-4 and pins 3-2 as pictured below.


digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Completed the Audio Ctrl portion of the charger PCB. Looks like 4 distinct frequencies are being generated as expected. There is some portion right at the beginning and end that need to be eliminated.


digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

The issue I was seeing in #38 or #33 is showing up again where the direction bounces around at the beginning before choosing a direction. Need to look back into these issues to see how I solved the problem in the breadboard prototype.

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago



digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Using the variable voltage wall plug, I was seeing a ~250 mV periodic noise at 60 Hz. I tried adding bypass capacitors to fix this, but I was still seeing the noise. My solution was to switch to my fixed 10V power supply, which is outputting much less noise.

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago


digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Because I added in the 10V power supply to the LM324, I do not need to divide the battery input anymore. The screenshot below shows the changes I am making on the PCB.


digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

The CV circuit is miswired. If the top pin of R3 is adjusted by the op-amp to be 4.2V no matter the current draw, the voltage drop across R3 will be variable. This means the voltage will not be a stable 4.2V in CV mode. Shorting the 100 Ohm resistor resulted in an extremely hot Q1. I need a solution that bypasses the R3 resistor while still allowing Q2 and Q3 to control whether the circuit is on/off.

I think rewiring the circuit this way will fix the issue I am seeing, but I will need to test on a breadboard before rewiring on the PCB. image

UPDATE: This change did fix the voltage drop across the resistor. But for some reason, I am still seeing variation in the voltage output with varying load resistances. Going to switch to the LM317 as a last minute solution.

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Going to try this rewire tomorrow using the LM317 as a 4.2V constant voltage source.

Rewire with LM317

digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Looks like the Schmitt trigger's output is inverted for the current FET logic setup. Need to add an inverter to the end of the Schmitt detector circuit.




digitaldanny commented 3 years ago

Here are the issues I am currently seeing.