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Changed import to import_restrictions in encryption-laws template. #7

Closed peterjaric closed 9 years ago

peterjaric commented 9 years ago

'import' is a restricted JavaScript keyword and caused a syntax error.

The pull request on the data-encryptionlaws repository needs to be accepted too for this to work.

botherder commented 9 years ago

Thank you peter.

botherder commented 9 years ago

I pulled the updates in production, it still doesn't seem to be working properly.

peterjaric commented 9 years ago

Ah, yeah, the fix seems to have unearthed another bug:

ReferenceError: prohibit_user is not defined

In the data set it is called "prohibit_use", not "prohibit_user". Which one is right?

And also, the check should probably be changed to:

if (typeof prohibit_use !== 'undefined' && prohibit_use)

And similar for all other values.

peterjaric commented 9 years ago

This is solved by