digitalinfrastructurefund / website

The Digital Infrastructure Fund public website
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Add images locally #51

Open RichardLitt opened 2 years ago

RichardLitt commented 2 years ago

Right now, all of the images for the profile pictures comes from external sources. While this helps us out with hosting, it adds a cost for those websites and it isn't long-lived on our end.

I propose that we move all of these images locally. I don't know if there is currently an image optimization setup for uploading and linking local images. @flickz Do you know if there is one?

RichardLitt commented 2 years ago

It should be easy enough to grep for all image links and then curl them into a local folder, as a way of getting this process started.

flickz commented 2 years ago

We currently use gatsby, it has support for image optimization.

RichardLitt commented 2 years ago

Does the image link field currently support local addresses?