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📅 Important Dates #298

Closed woche1 closed 3 years ago

simonslang commented 3 years ago

We know, beginnings are confusing! So here are the most important dates for your start:

19.10 Official semesterstart HfK (Don't mind this one - it's just a random date someone has decided on)

19.10-26.10 Chaos Office at HfK (You really want to talk to someone in person? Come to the Chaos Office in front of Speicher XI!)

26.10-30.10 Orientation week Digital Media (Doesn't matter if you are at the university or HfK, this is a joint affair! And the first thing which is really important!)

1.11 Official semesterstart University

2.11 Beginning of courses (Before that there is no teaching. Unless you want to take preliminary courses, then have a look here)