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Overview of everything important #344

Open simonslang opened 2 years ago

simonslang commented 2 years ago

Wenn die Universität und die HfK etwas gemeinsam organisieren wie eine Orientierungswoche kann es schnell chaotisch werden. Deswegen ein kurzer Überblick:

simonslang commented 2 years ago

If the university and the HfK organize something together, such as an orientation week, things can quickly become chaotic. So here's a:


Who? The entire Digital Media course of studies (whether media informatics at the university or media design at the HfK) has a joint orientation week!

When? The Digital Media Orientation Week takes place from 10. 10 – 14. 10!

What? You can find the current program here.

Attention Other courses of study at the HfK already have their O-week one week in advance. On 5.10. there will also be a Digital Media Semester Welcome, which is aimed at higher semesters.