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I've heard there's already a program from 4th October! Can I join? #350

Open LisaSpetzler opened 2 years ago

LisaSpetzler commented 2 years ago

The joint O-week for DM students from Uni and HfK will take place from October 11-15. The period is linked to the general period of all orientation weeks at the University of Bremen. At the Hochschule für Künste, however, there is already plenty of stuff going on the week before, because from October 4-8, the other programs have their O-week. Does this seem a bit complicated and chaotic? It is! Welcome to the Digital Media program!

If you want to connect with other HfK firstsemester students before the actual O-week or just drop by, we have compiled the program for you here. The whole thing is mainly organized by the AStA and the Student Council of Integrated Design, and Digital Media students are warmly invited to join.

TUESDAY 05.10.

13:30 City Rally Chaos Office, HfK Speicher XI

18:00 Self-organization, politics & studies - workshop and drinks. Large Theory Room, 4.15.070 HfK Speicher XI


19:30 Pub Crawl Viertel meeting point: Ziegenmarkt, 28203 Viertel


16:00 -20:00 coffee, cake and flea market Auditorium, HfK Speicher XI

FRIDAY 08.10.

18:00 Pub Crawl Neustadt Meeting point: Am neuen Markt, 28199 Bremen