digitalnodecom / node-red-contrib-generic-s3

Generic S3 nodes for use in Node-RED
Apache License 2.0
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Stop stripping the msg object from outputs #37

Closed buroa closed 1 year ago

buroa commented 1 year ago

Seems like the output is only what it requested:

For this to work in a http-in flow, or many other examples, it needs to output the entire msg object as-is, otherwise we can't send a HTTP response back.

rristov60 commented 1 year ago

Hi @buroa, sorry for the delayed reply, it was a busy period and I didn't have the time to work on this. Finally this will be patched. Thank you for opening this issue! You are raising a valid point, the output is modified as you have pointed out in the code, which won't integrate with other nodes well without additional modifications

rristov60 commented 1 year ago

Hi @buroa, it took me a little bit more time than expected but this is finally patched in the newest version of the nodes, 1.7.2. As of now it is available to be updated on node-red. Thank you for the patience. Kind regards.