digitoimistodude / air-light

💨 WordPress starter theme - designed to be minimal, ultra-lightweight (< 20 kB) and easy for all kinds of WordPress projects. 7+years/1000+hours of development and still updating daily! We prefer the original WordPress way of doing things so no strange templating languages or frameworks here.
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Remove opinionated colors from the default footer #182

Closed simonwimell closed 10 months ago

simonwimell commented 1 year ago

The .site-footer has color: var(--color-white); by default, which makes it invisible when setting up a new project. Should the footer either have --color-paragraph as default color, or some background color?

ronilaukkarinen commented 1 year ago

There is no default footer. Just build your own footer. This is a starter theme which should not be really anything out of the box before you make it something.

simonwimell commented 1 year ago

Following the instructions here we end up with a footer.

simonwimell commented 1 year ago

I mean, it's no real issue for us to work around that in each project, but I don't really understand why we don't get the footer background color that is found on the wordpress.org theme demo 🤔

ronilaukkarinen commented 1 year ago

WordPress theme directory requires a footer and this is why it's included, but our start script with the primary installation method cleans it up, like it should.

Everything you see in the demo is provided by air-light-demo-content plugin. We don't want to include those in the theme because we then would have to clean up everything manually when starting the project.

In a sense you are correct, the leftovers of the footer should not be there as invisible, but we have seen this as a sign to "do something!". Rather than just wonder why it's we clean it up (or like I said, the script cleans it up for us so we don't see it as white). Air-light is NOT meant to be used as-is without any modifications.

If there is no default, there is no default, and should not be one. Header and navigation are there by default because they are crucial part of the site whereas empty footer is not.

However, we should move these two colors to air-light demo content and remove them from the theme so it would work like this:

airdev test_

This is a very minor thing to do and lowprio but I'll add it when I have time. Thanks for the input.

ronilaukkarinen commented 1 year ago

I mean, it's no real issue for us to work around that in each project, but I don't really understand why we don't get the footer background color that is found on the wordpress.org theme demo 🤔

Oh, WordPress adds its own dark overlay in their demo... Didn't notice it earlier. I'll open a separate issue about that preview.


simonwimell commented 1 year ago

You're absolutely right, totally low prio :)