digitoimistodude / air-light

💨 WordPress starter theme - designed to be minimal, ultra-lightweight (< 20 kB) and easy for all kinds of WordPress projects. 7+years/1000+hours of development and still updating daily! We prefer the original WordPress way of doing things so no strange templating languages or frameworks here.
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Investigate `pll_translatable` not working properly on taxonomies #186

Closed timiwahalahti closed 6 months ago

timiwahalahti commented 1 year ago

@Tumppex and @EliasKau reported that there might be issues with pll_translatable on taxonomies. It seems that the settings add the terms to be translated, but for some reason, slugs / URLs might not work as expected.

raikasdev commented 10 months ago

This is happening due to Polylang showing the taxonomy or custom post type as enabled, but not saved in the database. If the CPT is registered after plugins_load or functions.php (for example in a scenario where you wait for air-helper or Polylang itself load to allow translating the CPT labels), it will require you to remove the pll_get_post_types filter and manually go click the post type (must be public for this).