digitoimistodude / air-light

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Custom tax from ACF not displaying #206

Closed jcummings83 closed 7 months ago

jcummings83 commented 7 months ago

Here is the info on my WP setup. I have a custom post type "Testimonials" with an custom taxonomy "testimonial_category" applying to that post type in ACF. I also have a testimonial block field group that has a loop argument type configured so that I can have the block to display testimonials by count, by individual testimonial posts, or by testimonial category on specific pages. The count and indivudual post works as intended, but the post by category does not work. I have also tried to display the category using the basic ACF example, but still nothing appears so it tells me the custom taxonomy isn't getting picked up for some reason.

Testimonial block attached. testimonial-block.txt

jcummings83 commented 7 months ago

Also here is my acf export acf-export-2023-12-07.json

ronilaukkarinen commented 7 months ago

Do you see the taxonomy in wp-admin? If so, then this is really not air-light related issue, but rather something wrong in our query. We do not provide support for ACF, so please contact ACF Support or post to Stack Overflow.