digitsensitive / astar-typescript

A* search algorithm in TypeScript
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Use lodash-es instead of lodash #12

Closed krazyjakee closed 3 years ago

krazyjakee commented 3 years ago


When bundling this for browsers using webpack, the entire lodash library is bundled. By using lodash-es, only the specific functions are bundled. This allows tree-shaking to work and makes the library a better es-module.

digitsensitive commented 3 years ago

Thank you @krazyjakee for your PR. I do not know a lot about lodash-es. But just found the following benchmark info here:

Another option you can use is lodash-es: the Lodash library exported as ES modules. Some of us might say that this is a preferred option. (...) The result is that the build size is much bigger with lodash-es. So, I don’t see any reason to use it.

Not sure if that is still true. The article was written in Mar 21 2018. Do you have any references?

krazyjakee commented 3 years ago

The benchmark is based on a compilation without tree-shaking. With tree-shaking, lodash-es will only bundle the code that is actually used for the library (in this case minBy and remove).


It's not the fault of this library but frankly, I'm so disgusted with the amount of undocumented configuration involved in actually getting tree-shaking to work with ts-loader or babel and webpack that I am throwing my hands in the air and giving up. I can't give you the references you need because I can't seem to actually get it working properly as it should.

I'll close this for now.

Anyway, thanks for this great library!

digitsensitive commented 3 years ago

Alright. I decided to import only the separate functions at least for now. I guess that does not change the bundle size, but looks better I guess :-)