digling / edictor

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Morphemes are not identified as identical with gap symbols in underlying form #203

Closed arubehn closed 2 months ago

arubehn commented 2 months ago

Consider these two Latin verb forms:

r ɔ g + aː + r ɛ
kʷ aɛ r + ɛ/- r ɛ

The first one features the thematic vowel ā, to which the infinitive suffix -re is appended. The second one, however, lacks a thematic vowel, meaning that the infinitive suffix is directly attached to the stem. In this case, an e-epenthesis takes place, accounting for the surface form -ere of the infinitive suffix. I would like to model -re and -ere as allomorphs, indicated by the given inline annotation; however, EDICTOR does not recognize these (underlying) forms as identical due to the dash present in the second form.

Desired behavior: r ɛ and ɛ/- r ɛ are analyzed as the same morpheme, due to identical underlying forms.

Actual behavior: Both morphemes are analyzed and listed separately.

LinguList commented 2 months ago

I just checked the code. It was implemented for Ø, but we decided also thanks to discussions with you, @arubehn, that - is also a reasonable character, or maybe even MORE reasonable, so I found where to add it and with edictor3 it will work. In fact, I may also make it work in the version we use for the Latin data.

LinguList commented 2 months ago

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