digma-ai / digma-ui

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DIgma course registration popup #892

Closed doppleware closed 3 months ago

doppleware commented 3 months ago

Motivation: We would like more users to identify themselves in Digma and want to provide them with a free Udemy course in return. We'll show the course 'ad' in the context of the issues tab to get more value out of Digma.

Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/MxA95ZHK5NqGX4ptFQljRJ/%E2%AD%90-Design-System-3.0?page-id=4193%3A89582&node-id=8312-110818&viewport=864%2C-20669%2C0.73&t=AItBTAFntWHyyDEL-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=8312%3A110818&show-proto-sidebar=1


  1. Digma Course Popup: Appears at the top of the issues tab. Has a collapsed and expanded view, as you can see in the prototype. When expanded the user has two actions:

  2. Don't show again: Will cause the popup to stop appearing for one month

  3. Access course: Will show a special registration dialog (see below)

  4. Special registration dialog:

    • If the user never registered to Digma (for example when adding an environment), he will be asked to enter his name and email. This will trigger the SAME registration Posthog event as we have today with theadd environment action, and will be synced with the plugin state so the next time he adds an environment he'll already be registered.
    • If the user is already registered, we show him this page with the email already filled in, he can still modify the email (that will update his registration email).

Both fields are mandatory. Once he clicks on Sign up we will show an confirmation state that an email will be sent shortly. Following that, he will never see the 'ad' again.

Technical All user actions should be covered with user-action posthog events

Changes to posthog: Please modify the following events $identify,registered user disabled,registered user uninstalled Add the following attribute to each of them: user_requested_course value should be string "true / "false"