dignajar / another-ldap

Another LDAP is a form-based authentication for Active Directory / LDAP server. Provides Authentication and Authorization for your applications running in Kubernetes.
MIT License
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Configure reverse proxy to other URL #14

Open jonathan-arenas opened 11 months ago

jonathan-arenas commented 11 months ago

Hi people!

Good job with the solution! It was exactly what I was looking for.

I have a doubt, is it possible to configure (I do not see on code) the solution for redirection to other site (once logged in)? I want to configure reverse proxy to keep the main domain url.

Kind regards.

jonathan-arenas commented 11 months ago

Anyone know how it configure? Thank you.

fkpp commented 11 months ago


not sure if I understand your demand correct. But have you had a look in your ingress configuration? You could simply change the value after 'callback'. I am for instance returning the full URI to be redirected to after login:

nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/server-snippet: | error_page 401 = @login; location @login { return 302 https://another-ldap.your.domain/?protocol=$pass_access_scheme&callback=$host$request_uri; }