diku-dk / futhark

:boom::computer::boom: A data-parallel functional programming language
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ICE after simplify on C backend #1309

Closed Munksgaard closed 2 years ago

Munksgaard commented 3 years ago

This code, which relies on the fft library, produces an ICE when compiled with the C backend:

import "lib/github.com/diku-dk/fft/stockham-radix-2"

module fft32 = mk_fft f32

let center_fft [n] 't (img: [n][n]t): [n][n]t =
  map (rotate 1) img

let blur_fft [n] (kernel: [n][n]f32) (inp: [n][n]bool): [n][n]f32 =
  let kernel' = kernel
             |> fft32.fft2_re
  let inp' = map (map f32.bool) inp
             |> fft32.fft2_re
  in map2 (map2 (\x y -> x)) kernel' inp'
     |> center_fft
     |> fft32.ifft2
     |> map (map (\(x, y) -> x + y))

let main [n] (img: [n][n]bool): [n][n]f32 =
  let blur = blur_fft (replicate n (replicate n 0))
  in blur img

The error:

$ futhark-master c bluenoise-only.fut
Warning at bluenoise-only.fut:13:21-21:
  Unused variable "y" .
Internal compiler error.
Please report this at https://github.com/diku-dk/futhark/issues.
Type error after pass 'simplify':
In function main
When checking function body
In expression of statement
  {defunc_3_map_res_13954 : ({}, [n_13735][n_13735]f32 @ mem_14569 ->
                             {base: [n_13735, n_13735]; contiguous: true;
                              LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [n_13735, 1i64];
                                       rotates: [0i64, 0i64];
                                       shape: [n_13735, n_13735];
                                       permutation: [0, 1];
                                       monotonicity: [Inc, Inc]}]}),
   defunc_3_map_res_13955 : ({}, [n_13735][n_13735]f32 @ mem_14572 ->
                             {base: [n_13735, n_13735]; contiguous: true;
                              LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [n_13735, 1i64];
                                       rotates: [0i64, 0i64];
                                       shape: [n_13735, n_13735];
                                       permutation: [0, 1];
                                       monotonicity: [Inc, Inc]}]})}
Inside the loop body
When matching
   {x_13956 : ({as_transformed_13921}, [n_13735]f32 @ mem_14451 ->
               {base: [n_13735, n_13735]; contiguous: true;
                LMADs: [{offset: mul_nw64 (i_14276) (n_13735); strides: [1i64];
                         rotates: [0i64]; shape: [n_13735]; permutation: [0];
                         monotonicity: [Inc]}, {offset: 0i64;
                                                strides: [n_13735, 1i64];
                                                rotates: [1i64, 0i64];
                                                shape: [n_13735, n_13735];
                                                permutation: [1, 0];
                                                monotonicity: [Inc, Inc]}]})}
   as_transformed_13921[i_14276, 0i64 :+ n_13735 * 1i64]
Type error:
Expression type:
  {[n_13735]f32 @ (mem_14451 ->
                 {base: [n_13735, n_13735]; contiguous: false;
                  LMADs: [{offset: i_14276; strides: [n_13735]; rotates: [1i64];
                           shape: [n_13735]; permutation: [0];
                           monotonicity: [Inc]}]})}
cannot match pattern type:
  {[n_13735]f32 @ (mem_14451 ->
                 {base: [n_13735, n_13735]; contiguous: true;
                  LMADs: [{offset: mul_nw64 (i_14276) (n_13735);
                           strides: [1i64]; rotates: [0i64]; shape: [n_13735];
                           permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]},
                          {offset: 0i64; strides: [n_13735, 1i64];
                           rotates: [1i64, 0i64]; shape: [n_13735, n_13735];
                           permutation: [1, 0]; monotonicity: [Inc, Inc]}]})}
with context elements: []
athas commented 3 years ago

The solution is to perform LMAD-merging (like we do in ad-hoc ways in the various constructor functions) after simplifying the components of an index function.