The bug appears on file futhark-ad/rnns/lstm/lstm.fut compiled with futhark cuda lstm.fut
(using the branch ad-genred-opt, but very likely also clean-ad given that it is likely produced by the pass extract kernels)
$ futhark cuda lstm.fut
Internal compiler error. Please report this:
Type error after pass 'simplify':
In function entry_main
When checking function body
In expression of statement
{loop_adj_15511 : ({}, [n_15307][h_15309][bs_15306]f32),
loop_adj_15512 : ({}, [h_15309][bs_15306]f32),
loop_adj_15513 : ({}, [h_15309][bs_15306]f32),
loop_adj_15514 : ({}, [hx4_15310][d_15308]f32),
loop_adj_15515 : ({}, [hx4_15310][h_15309]f32),
loop_adj_15516 : ({}, [hx4_15310]f32)}
Inside the loop body
In expression of statement
{withacc_res_15671 : ({}, [bs_15306][h_15309]f32),
withacc_res_15672 : ({}, [hx4_15310][h_15309]f32),
withacc_res_15673 : ({x_adj_17996}, [hx4_15310]f32)}
Type error:
Variable acc_p_15680 referenced after being consumed.
I paste the program below (long):
type real= f32
let zero = 0f32
let sum = f32.sum
let log = f32.log
let tanh = f32.tanh
let exp = f32.exp
let fromi64 = f32.i64
let dotproduct [n] (a: [n]real) (b: [n]real) : real =
map2 (*) a b |> sum
let matvec [m][n] (mat: [m][n]real) (vec: [n]real) =
map (dotproduct vec) mat
let matmul [m][n][q] (ass: [m][q]real) (bss: [q][n]real) : [m][n]real =
map (matvec (transpose bss)) ass
let sigmoid (x: real) : real =
1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x))
let meanSqr [n]
(y_y_hat : [n](real, real)) =
let s = map (\(a, b) -> (a - b) * (a - b)) y_y_hat
|> sum
in s / (fromi64 n)
let step [bs] [hx4] [h] [d]
(wght_ih: [hx4][d]real)
(wght_hh: [hx4][h]real)
(bias: [hx4]real)
(inp_els: [bs][d]real)
(hidn_st: [h][bs]real, cell_st: [h][bs]real)
: ([h][bs]real, [h][bs]real) =
let mm_ih = map (matvec inp_els) wght_ih |> opaque
-- map (matvec wght_ih) inp_els |> opaque
let mm_hh = matmul wght_hh hidn_st
-- map (matvec (transpose hidn_st)) wght_hh |> opaque
-- map (matvec wght_hh) hidn_st |> opaque
let gates = map2 (map2 (+)) mm_ih mm_hh
|> map2 (\b row -> map (+b) row) bias
let gates' = assert (4*h == hx4)
(unflatten 4 h gates)
let ingate = map (map sigmoid) (gates'[0])
let forgetgate = map (map sigmoid) (gates'[1])
let cellgate = map (map tanh ) (gates'[2])
let outgate = map (map sigmoid) (gates'[3])
let cell_st' = map2 (map2 (*)) ingate cellgate
|> map2 (map2 (+))
(map2 (map2 (*)) forgetgate cell_st)
let hidn_st' = map (map tanh) cell_st' |> map2 (map2 (*)) outgate
in (hidn_st', cell_st')
let lstmPrd [bs][n][d][h][hx4]
(input: [n][bs][d]real)
(wght_ih: [hx4][d]real)
(wght_hh: [hx4][h]real)
(wght_y: [h][d]real)
(bias: [hx4]real)
(bias_y: [d]real)
(hidn_st0: [h][bs]real)
(cell_st0: [h][bs]real)
: ([n][bs][d]real, [n][bs][h]real, [h][bs]real) =
-- rnn component
let hidn_stack0 = replicate bs zero
|> replicate h
|> replicate n
-- hidn_stack0 :: [n][bs][h]
let (hidn_stack, (_, cell_st)) =
loop (hidn_stack, (hidn_st, cell_st)) = (hidn_stack0, (hidn_st0, cell_st0))
for i < n do
let (hidn_st', cell_st') = step wght_ih wght_hh bias input[i] (hidn_st, cell_st)
let hidn_stack[i] = hidn_st'
in (hidn_stack, (hidn_st', cell_st'))
-- fully connected output
let hidn_stack' = hidn_stack
|> map transpose
let y_hat = matmul (flatten hidn_stack') wght_y
|> map (map2 (+) bias_y)
|> unflatten n bs
in (y_hat, hidn_stack', cell_st)
-- hidden_states[:, h-1] instead of hidn_stack in the return?
-- `bs` is the batch size (for the moment `bs = 1`) --
-- `n` is the length of a time series; --
-- `d` is the dimensionality of a point of a time series; --
-- `h` is the length of the hidden layer --
-- `hx4` is `4 x h` --
-- `layers`: not used, i.e., we assume num layers is 1 --
let lstmObj [bs][n][d][h][hx4]
(input: [n][bs][d]real)
(hidn_st0: [h][bs]real)
(cell_st0: [h][bs]real)
( wght_ih: [hx4][d]real
, wght_hh: [hx4][h]real
, wght_y: [h][d]real
, bias: [hx4]real
, bias_y: [d]real
: real =
let (input_hat, _, _) =
lstmPrd input wght_ih wght_hh wght_y bias bias_y hidn_st0 cell_st0
let y_y_hat = map2 (map2 zip) input_hat input
|> flatten
|> flatten
let loss = meanSqr y_y_hat
in loss
let main [bs][n][d][h][hx4]
(input: [n][bs][d]real)
(hidn_st0: [h][bs]real)
(cell_st0: [h][bs]real)
--- to-diff params
(wght_ih: [hx4][d]real)
(wght_hh: [hx4][h]real)
(wght_y: [h][d]real)
(bias_h: [hx4]real)
(bias_y: [d]real)
--- adjoints ---
(loss_adj : real) :
( [hx4][d]real
, [hx4][h]real
, [h][d]real
, [hx4]real
, [d]real
) =
vjp (lstmObj input hidn_st0 cell_st0)
(wght_ih, wght_hh, wght_y, bias_h, bias_y) loss_adj
The bug appears on file
compiled withfuthark cuda lstm.fut
(using the branchad-genred-opt
, but very likely alsoclean-ad
given that it is likely produced by the pass extract kernels)I paste the program below (long):