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:boom::computer::boom: A data-parallel functional programming language
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Interpreter produces (or at least prints) wrong value in some trivial cases #1803

Closed athas closed 1 year ago

athas commented 1 year ago
-- ==
-- input { 2i64 }
-- output { [[0i64,1i64],[0i64,1i64]] }

def main n = replicate n (iota n)

The interpreter prints the result as one-dimensional. I have no idea how our tests currently work when something this basic is going wrong.

athas commented 1 year ago

It's a very recent regression.

athas commented 1 year ago

Was not present in latest release. Probably related to the prettyprinter fiddling I did recently.

athas commented 1 year ago

I think I must have screwed up something locally; this no longer occurs.