diku-dk / futhark

:boom::computer::boom: A data-parallel functional programming language
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Missing expansion of shared memory #2092

Closed athas closed 10 months ago

athas commented 10 months ago

If a thread-level SegMap inside a block-level SegMap contains any shared memory allocations, we neglect to expand them. This means all threads will use the same memory, with attendant disastrous effect.

This is a bit of an edge case, as it is unlikely that code that looks like that will actually fit on the device, but we should still fix it.

athas commented 10 months ago
-- ==
-- input { 2i64 3i64 }
-- output { [[[0i64, 0i64], [1i64, 1i64]], [[1i64, 1i64], [1i64, 1i64]], [[2i64, 2i64], [1i64, 1i64]]] }
-- input { 10i64 256i64 } auto output

entry main k n =
  tabulate n (\i -> let A = replicate k i
                    in tabulate k (\j -> if j % 2 == 1 then replicate k j else A))