dilame / instagram-private-api

NodeJS Instagram private API SDK. Written in TypeScript.
MIT License
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How can I generate enc_password? #1010

Closed ozican closed 4 years ago

ozican commented 4 years ago


Hello people, I got a new header value. I just wanna ask, have you ever see that and do you know how can I generate it? That's my value. "enc_password":"#PWD_INSTAGRAM:4:1575910572:Ac09XDpcBE1cB/lOovUAAUfoGhWI59ZQtRLVbpku9bHOJAUNZOszYmzbaV7bWVwrc/AgVoPvn4Sm68625fI4S9CUyqR7PYkSvaXdsD98JmhQFBRjntw/2eR93Wqxzq05AGmcdiXcNaboW2ltmkWFoUL8fZnfbNtoXVVVZ6n7aYFplud2UJ+A/zYFVsTSsoGbvdBIyjttMKcNQNsotAo95pA+v99q39PRZ0ug3B7GrfOayV+t7OTointqxZjoxYtjmqda4n7kBsruEVW7yBfnAU0k9pWScVtjJXEkoGejJtDbd5RUBUPJVJIlVDjCgLZ2hmKYOYO16C5nvFNx3jkc4AwujIZOl6mqlhKs+Xehmr33Nk7euoe8Lj3XPDH1HpiYuSxBI1Lp1Rm8JzM="

ozican commented 4 years ago

Ok, I found somethings.. I want to share, maybe we can find the solution together;

I believe this is rc-40 crypto.. Not sure but it looks like rc-40. Anyway, I have public key but I couldn't decrypt it.. public key returns on header; 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

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

It's evp_aes_256_gcm encrypted.

ozican commented 4 years ago

thank you very much, I am investigating it now... I never hear it before ๐Ÿ‘

Keln54 commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, did you found the solution what need to do with it?

Killer-Awesome-Phantom commented 4 years ago
Here is some very rough code to generate the enc_password (expand) ``` const WebCrypto = require("node-webcrypto-ossl"); const webcrypto = new WebCrypto() const tweetnacl = require("tweetnacl") tweetnacl.sealedbox = require('tweetnacl-sealedbox-js'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); data = { key_id: "", public_key: "", password: "", time: Date.now(), timeEncoded: "", password_length: 0 } encryptPassword("password") async function encryptPassword(password) { password_length = password.length data.password = password data.password = decodeUTF8(data.password) data.timeEncoded = decodeUTF8(data.time) var options = { method: 'GET', headers: { //'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36', 'accept-langauge': 'en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,es;q=0.7', 'origin': 'https://www.instagram.com', 'referer': 'https://www.instagram.com/', 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1', 'accept': '*/*', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', } } let res = await fetch('https://www.instagram.com/data/shared_data/', options) res = await res.json() data.key_id = res.encryption.key_id data.public_key = res.encryption.public_key console.log(data) let key = await encrypt(data.key_id, data.public_key, data.password, data.timeEncoded) key = encodeURIComponent(key) return key } async function encrypt(key, pkey, password, time) { const pLength = 100 + password.length if (64 !== pkey.length) { throw new Error("Public key is not valid hex string") } pkey = parsePkey(pkey) if (!pkey) { throw new Error("Public key is not valid hex string") } let y = new Uint8Array(pLength); let f = 0; y[f] = 1 y[f += 1] = key f += 1 let p = { name: 'AES-GCM', iv: new Uint8Array(12), additionalData: time, tagLen: password_length } const CryptoKey = await webcrypto.subtle.generateKey({ name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 }, !0, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']) const ckey = await webcrypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', CryptoKey) let ciphertext = await webcrypto.subtle.encrypt(p, CryptoKey, password.buffer) let sealed = tweetnacl.sealedbox.seal(new Uint8Array(ckey), pkey) if (y[f] = 255 & sealed.length, y[f + 1] = sealed.length >> 8 & 255, f += 2, y.set(sealed, f), f += 32, f += 48, sealed.length !== 32 + 48) {} const s = new Uint8Array(ciphertext) const c = s.slice(-password_length) const h = s.slice(0, password_length) y.set(c, f) f += 16, y.set(h, f), y let app= 6 let t = ["#PWD_INSTAGRAM_BROWSER", app, data.time, btoa(y)].join(':') console.log(t) } function parsePkey(pkey) { const n = [] for (let o = 0; o < pkey.length; o += 2) n.push(parseInt(pkey.slice(o, o + 2), 16)); return new Uint8Array(n) } function decodeUTF8(n) { n = unescape(encodeURIComponent(n)) let c = new Uint8Array(n.length) for (t = 0; t < n.length; t++) c[t] = n.charCodeAt(t); return c } //https://www.instagram.com/data/shared_data/' //https://www.instagram.com/static/bundles/es6/EncryptionUtils.js/c808b8dee83e.js:formatted //line 23-24 // const n = '#PWD_INSTAGRAM_BROWSER' // , c = 6; ```
Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

This is for the web-version. But it's similar. But your enc-version is here 6, in the app, it's 4.

ozican commented 4 years ago

@Nerixyz how much similar? Is only differences about version?

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

They both encrypt the aes-key with rsa and put it into a buffer. ~I can paste my current code here later.~

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

This is my take. It doesn't work, bu I know the keyId is at least right. This is then sent to enc_password: `#PWD_INSTAGRAM:4:${time}:${encrypted}`,

function encryptPassword(password: string): { time: string, encrypted: string } {
  const plainKey = Buffer.from(ig.state.passwordEncryptionPubKey, 'base64').toString();
  const randKey = crypto.randomBytes(32);
  const iv = crypto.randomBytes(12);
  const resEncrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(plainKey, randKey);
  const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', randKey, iv);
  const time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000).toString();
  const aesEncrypted = concat(cipher.update(password, 'utf8'), cipher.final());
  const sizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2, 0);
  sizeBuffer.writeInt16LE(resEncrypted.byteLength, 0);
  const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag();
  return {
    encrypted: concat(
      Buffer.from([1, ig.state.passwordEncryptionKeyId]),
      resEncrypted, aesEncrypted, authTag)
ozican commented 4 years ago

@Nerixyz thank you for your response, it's very explanatory... I try to solve, I hope we can...

guillaumecodet commented 4 years ago

I'm also stuck on it, did anyone find a way to generate the enc_password ?

ozican commented 4 years ago

not me unfortunately.. that beats me

Frake7 commented 4 years ago

password: adminka55 enc_password: #PWD_INSTAGRAM_BROWSER:6:1573829509755:encodeBase64(encrypt("AES-GCM-256","adminka55","1573829509755"))

ozican commented 4 years ago

is that working? @Frake7 but this is web right? and there is no pub_key?

ozican commented 4 years ago

This is my take. It doesn't work, bu I know the keyId is at least right. This is then sent to enc_password: `#PWD_INSTAGRAM:4:${time}:${encrypted}`,

function encryptPassword(password: string): { time: string, encrypted: string } {
  const plainKey = Buffer.from(ig.state.passwordEncryptionPubKey, 'base64').toString();
  const randKey = crypto.randomBytes(32);
  const iv = crypto.randomBytes(12);
  const resEncrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(plainKey, randKey);
  const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', randKey, iv);
  const time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000).toString();
  const aesEncrypted = concat(cipher.update(password, 'utf8'), cipher.final());
  const sizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2, 0);
  sizeBuffer.writeInt16LE(resEncrypted.byteLength, 0);
  const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag();
  return {
    encrypted: concat(
      Buffer.from([1, ig.state.passwordEncryptionKeyId]),
      resEncrypted, aesEncrypted, authTag)

I use this for now.... I made some changes for node.js, I don't know why you said it is not working. If you can explain I can try to fix it.

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

It's able to encrypt but the request fails.

ozican commented 4 years ago

It works on me, I only changed some small things for node.js. Thank you very much by the way @Nerixyz I am very happy about it.

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

It works on me, I only changed some small things for node.js. Thank you very much by the way @Nerixyz I am very happy about it.

Could you paste your code here? I've also used node for this.

ozican commented 4 years ago

@Nerixyz here you are

const crypto = require('crypto');

const getEncPassword = (password, pubKey, keyID) => {
    const plainKey = Buffer.from(pubKey, 'base64').toString();
    const randKey = crypto.randomBytes(32);
    const iv = crypto.randomBytes(12);
    const resEncrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(plainKey, randKey);
    const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', randKey, iv);
    const time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000).toString();
    const aesEncrypted = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(password, 'utf8'), cipher.final()]);
    const sizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2, 0);
    sizeBuffer.writeInt16LE(resEncrypted.byteLength, 0);
    const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag();
    const pass = Buffer.concat(
        [Buffer.from([1, keyID]),
        resEncrypted, aesEncrypted, authTag])
Keln54 commented 4 years ago

@Nerixyz @ozican why do you think that working correctly? If we capture requests and set up values like there (I mean time, keys) - enc_password must be the same. But it's not the same

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

@Keln54 It will never be. As you can see, a RANDOM key is created that is then encrypted with the pkey.

Keln54 commented 4 years ago

@Nerixyz so, why do you think they must be random? Where you get this information?) I think not, because - how do instagram check the correct of this value? They must take time and pass - then check enc_password sending by your side with enc_password they get.

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

Typically then messages are not encrypted directly with such keys but are instead encrypted using a symmetric "session" key. This key is itself then encrypted using the public key.


ozican commented 4 years ago

sorry for my low knowledge, what do you think? @Nerixyz is everything ok now? I mean, is that encrypt method is right?

Because I think, if you put same values, crypted data can be different with this crypto method. am I right or not?

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

The aes-gcm is right and also the public-key encryption is right. Only the order of concatenation and maybe some small settings are wrong.

ozican commented 4 years ago

OK great because I think I can investigate more about it.

icelts commented 4 years ago

@Nerixyz here you are

const crypto = require('crypto');

const getEncPassword = (password, pubKey, keyID) => {
    const plainKey = Buffer.from(pubKey, 'base64').toString();
    const randKey = crypto.randomBytes(32);
    const iv = crypto.randomBytes(12);
    const resEncrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(plainKey, randKey);
    const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', randKey, iv);
    const time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000).toString();
    const aesEncrypted = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(password, 'utf8'), cipher.final()]);
    const sizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2, 0);
    sizeBuffer.writeInt16LE(resEncrypted.byteLength, 0);
    const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag();
    const pass = Buffer.concat(
        [Buffer.from([1, keyID]),
        resEncrypted, aesEncrypted, authTag])

does this work for you?

Frake7 commented 4 years ago

I have an error with "const resEncrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(plainKey, randKey);" - error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

I have an error with "const resEncrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(plainKey, randKey);" - error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line

Is your public key from ig.state.passwordEncryptionPubKey?

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

does this work for you?

This works. But the request using this password fails with "Oops, an error occurred.".

hellmany commented 4 years ago

does this work for you?

This works. But the request using this password fails with "Oops, an error occurred.".

same thing =( Is there any solution?

ozican commented 4 years ago

does this work for you?

This works. But the request using this password fails with "Oops, an error occurred.".

strange because I don't get that error. I successfully login or create

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

@ozican How so you log in then?

mgp25 commented 4 years ago

@Nerixyz I might have the solution or most of it. Ping me if you want to share ideas (email on profile)


ozican commented 4 years ago

@crouchingtiger Hello. Yes I get my keyID and pubKey from header. I am not on my main computer now but it is like; ig-set-keyIdand รฌg-set-pubKey` by the way for some test I can give to you a rest API for test it (only for @Nerixyz and @crouchingtiger and @mgp25 ) (because of server is not enough powerfull) just email me if you want.. ozandikbas@gmail.com

mgp25 commented 4 years ago

I have solved it already, I am not with the computer but if you send me a hex dump via email I can guide you for the implementation


Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

Don't RSA encrypt the public key as shown in the node.js code above.

The public key isn't encrypted. The key used for the AES-GCM encryption is encrypted here. This is in fact the result you get in the ek buffer.

The "updated" code loks like this:

const randKey = crypto.randomBytes(32);
  const iv = crypto.randomBytes(12);
  const rsaEncrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(Buffer.from(ig.state.passwordEncryptionPubKey, 'base64').toString(), randKey);
  const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', randKey, iv);
  const time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000).toString();
  const aesEncrypted = concat(cipher.setAAD(Buffer.from(time)).update(password), cipher.final());
  const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag();
  const sizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2, 0);
  sizeBuffer.writeInt16LE(rsaEncrypted.byteLength, 0);
  return {
    encrypted: concat(
      Buffer.from([1, ig.state.passwordEncryptionKeyId]),

There's still something wrong.

mgp25 commented 4 years ago

A gift for you people:

    public static function encryptPassword(
        $key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32);
        $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(12);
        $time = time();

        openssl_public_encrypt($key ,$encryptedAesKey, base64_decode($publicKey));
        $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($password, 'aes-256-gcm', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv, $tag, strval($time));

        $payload = base64_encode("\x01" | pack('n', intval($publicKeyId)) . $iv . pack('s', strlen($encryptedAesKey)) . $encryptedAesKey . $tag . $encrypted);

        return sprintf('#PWD_INSTAGRAM:4:%s:%s', $time, $payload);

IG Android default public key (ID: 41):

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Public Key returned on API responses (ID: 205):



Sample (Hex representation):

01 **(ID: 0x01)**
cd **(Pub. ID: 205)**
3d5c3a5c044d5c07f94ea2f5 **(IV)**
0001 **(256 RSA length little endian)**
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 **RSA Enc. Key**
f7364edeba87bc2e3dd73c31f51e9898 **AES GCM TAG**
b92c412352e9d519bc2733 **Enc. PW**

Happy new year! ๐ŸŽ‰

ozican commented 4 years ago

hahah this is my first and best new year gift on this year! Thank you man...! ๐ŸŽ‰

lawnwaves commented 4 years ago

As a test, I decided to deliberately mismatch key-id and valid pub-key values. There's at least 3 pub-keys/ids that are available/public - default/android fallback (41), android (205), and web (245). If your envelope is correct, but the versions mismatch, then you'll get HTTP 400 responses:

Do you happen to have the Public Key for the web (245) version? All I can find in the headers and code is an hex string ("f5a1fdb4e2e032e5d3b42c3350d69918eebdb640e2f9cc0fe1fc55cd7800cf30") which if translated to base64 gives "9aH9tOLgMuXTtCwzUNaZGO69tkDi+cwP4fxVzXgAzzA=" which is not a public key.

dilame commented 4 years ago

OMG its @mgp25! Maybe someday you'll unblock me ๐Ÿ˜„

leoalvs commented 4 years ago

Do someone has solved this using python?

born2kill2 commented 4 years ago

pls someone help, I see a solution, but how to implement it in c# or c++ or java or python ?

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

Don't RSA encrypt the public key as shown in the node.js code above.

The public key isn't encrypted. The key used for the AES-GCM encryption is encrypted here. This is in fact the result you get in the ek buffer.

The "updated" code loks like this:

const randKey = crypto.randomBytes(32);
  const iv = crypto.randomBytes(12);
  const rsaEncrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt(Buffer.from(ig.state.passwordEncryptionPubKey, 'base64').toString(), randKey);
  const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', randKey, iv);
  const time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000).toString();
  const aesEncrypted = concat(cipher.setAAD(Buffer.from(time)).update(password), cipher.final());
  const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag();
  const sizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2, 0);
  sizeBuffer.writeInt16LE(rsaEncrypted.byteLength, 0);
  return {
    encrypted: concat(
      Buffer.from([1, ig.state.passwordEncryptionKeyId]),

There's still something wrong.

The only fix needed for Node.js was to set the right RSA-Padding. The updated code can be found here.

pjsny commented 4 years ago

Looking for a python port of the nodejs that @Killer-Awesome-Phantom posted. I attempted it (https://pastebin.com/raw/DURQVhTn) however I messed up somewhere.

amin1softco commented 4 years ago

do you know why this code don't work ? return

"{"message": "There was an error with your request. Please try again.", "status": "fail"}"

ig-set-password-encryption-web-key-id: 245
ig-set-password-encryption-web-pub-key: f5a1fdb4e2e032e5d3b42c3350d69918eebdb640e2f9cc0fe1fc55cd7800cf30

and how i can convert web version hex to public key format accept in php ?

$Username = 'myuser';
  function encryptPassword(
        $key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32);
        $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(12);
        $time = time();

        openssl_public_encrypt($key ,$encryptedAesKey, base64_decode($publicKey));
        $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($password, 'aes-256-gcm', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv, $tag, strval($time));

        $payload = base64_encode("\x01" | pack('n', intval($publicKeyId)) . $iv . pack('s', strlen($encryptedAesKey)) . $encryptedAesKey . $tag . $encrypted);

        return sprintf('#PWD_INSTAGRAM_BROWSER:6:%s:%s', $time, $payload);
        $enc= encryptPassword($password,245,IG_LOGIN_ANDROID_PUBLIC_KEY);

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/ajax/");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$vars);  //Post Fields
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$headers = [
 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Z832 Build/MMB29M) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117 Mobile Safari/537.36' ,
 'Accept: */*' ,
 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' ,
 'X-CSRFToken: 62Fvm60ukhKaYnxdS9sOKrANwHu1SqXp' ,
 'X-Instagram-AJAX: 138daaa28c25' ,
 'X-IG-App-ID: 1217981644879628' ,
 'X-IG-WWW-Claim: 0' ,
 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ,
 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' ,
 'Origin: https://www.instagram.com' ,
 'Connection: keep-alive' ,
 'Referer: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/' ,
 'Cookie: ig_cb=1; ig_did=2E232D1A-7FE5-4412-9D9B-0AC072FD937C; csrftoken=62Fvm60ukhKaYnxdS9sOKrANwHu1SqXp; rur=VLL; mid=Xjg6kgABAAHOs8f6YUYvLc7XDa_S' ,
 'TE: Trailers'

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

$server_output = curl_exec ($ch);

curl_close ($ch);

var_dump(  $server_output) ;
icelts commented 4 years ago



Nerixyz commented 4 years ago

do you know why this code don't work ? return

The browser encryption is different. You have to use your browser to "reverse" that.

Nerixyz commented 4 years ago


As this issue-thread isn't an issue for the library anymore, it will be closed. However, you'll still be able to discuss on the topic.

pjsny commented 4 years ago

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 8:28 PM dentrav12 notifications@github.com wrote:

@PappaPaj https://github.com/PappaPaj I really sorry for this but have you been successful with Python implementation?

I have edited and finished the implementation in python however it still doesnโ€™t seem to work as I get an error from Instagram.