d2psi_neohookean_dF2 takes a matrix of # of triangles/tet x 2 where each row contain (I believe) the 2 Lamé parameters. Yet since this file has no matlab documentation and its code is entirely generated with no comments, it is not easy to know which of the 2 params is the mu and the lambda. I would presume lambda and mu since they are called the first and the second Lamé parameters respectively but I do not know myself at the moment. Would be great to have a simple line comment or documentation block on the function.
d2psi_neohookean_dF2 takes a matrix of # of triangles/tet x 2 where each row contain (I believe) the 2 Lamé parameters. Yet since this file has no matlab documentation and its code is entirely generated with no comments, it is not easy to know which of the 2 params is the mu and the lambda. I would presume lambda and mu since they are called the first and the second Lamé parameters respectively but I do not know myself at the moment. Would be great to have a simple line comment or documentation block on the function.