dilevin / CSC417-a1-mass-spring-1d

Assignment 1 on one-dimensional mass spring systems for CSC2549, at the University of Toronto
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glfwWindowShouldClose: Assertion `window != NULL' failed. #3

Open leoncyao opened 3 years ago

leoncyao commented 3 years ago

I tried to compile the starter code on teach.cs through a remote login and got this error.


I was using the NX client to login remotely. Did anybody else get something similar? I am also taking CSC419 and this happens when I compile their starter code for the first assignment, so it might have to do with using the libigl library through a remote connection (or it could just be my computer).


honglin-c commented 3 years ago

Could you try to run it on your local computer? Using either the command line in osx/Linux or visual studio in windows.

leoncyao commented 3 years ago

Could you try to run it on your local computer? Using either the command line in osx/Linux or visual studio in windows.

Yes it works on a virtual machine running linux, so I suspect libigl has problems with the NX client.

honglin-c commented 3 years ago

Yes... Unfortunately, there seem to be some problems with OpenGL when the cdf machines are accessed remotely. I would recommend running the code locally. Sorry for the inconvenience.