dilevin / computer-graphics-kinematics

Computer Graphics Assignment about Kinematics
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"List of indices into skeleton of end-effector constraints" #35

Open NPTP opened 4 years ago

NPTP commented 4 years ago

In end_effectors_objective_and_gradient.cpp, we have the the input b which represents "#b list of indices into skeleton of end-effector constraints".

I'm confused about this. b is a vector of ints, indexing into the skeleton. Indexing into the skeleton gives you a single bone. How does this also represent end-effector constraints? Are we talking about the constraints inside each Bone, and b presumably has less entries than skeleton since there are fewer end-effectors than there are bones?


honglin-c commented 4 years ago

Yes exactly. b is the list of indices into the skeleton of bones whose tips are constrained during IK, which is less than the number of bones in the skeleton in our cases.