Almost everything seems to be fine however there are still minor inconsistencies in the reflective region of the spheres as compared to the original picture. Not sure what the reason can be.
For a few details on my approach:
I am using a fudge factor of 10^-5 for calculation of shadow_ray origin and mirror ray origin as mentioned in the tutorial.
In blinn_phong_shading function, when calling first hit, I am using the value of min_t to be the same as my fudge factor i.e., 10^-5.
In the reflect function, the only ever time I normalize anything is n to find n cap just for the direction, according to the formula mentioned in tutorial.
Would appreciate any idea on what else could be an error.
Almost everything seems to be fine however there are still minor inconsistencies in the reflective region of the spheres as compared to the original picture. Not sure what the reason can be.
For a few details on my approach:
Would appreciate any idea on what else could be an error.
My output ^^
Original image ^^