dilidili / react-drawing-board

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Feature request: background image #23

Open gabrielguilhoto opened 2 years ago

gabrielguilhoto commented 2 years ago

We have a use case in which we want the user to be able to draw over an image. For example, the image could be a maze and the user should draw a path to get out of it.

It would be very nice if the component had a prop that allowed the board to start with a given image on the background. Ideally, the image would not be removable via the undo and clear buttons.

dilidili commented 2 years ago

@gabrielguilhoto that scenario makes sense and I will add the background image feature with:

are those features fulfill you requirements?

gabrielguilhoto commented 2 years ago

Hi @dilidili, thank you very much! For our use case the requirements are:

Dealing with a changing background image or changing its layout is not something that we would need right now, but those features could also be useful.

Do you have any idea when the feature might be implemented?

dilidili commented 2 years ago

@gabrielguilhoto recently in Chinese Mid-Autumn holiday, I'll deliver this feature in one or two weeks.

dilidili commented 2 years ago

Hi @gabrielguilhoto one more question here, do you need the prop to set initial background image and prop to hide the set background button in UI?

gabrielguilhoto commented 2 years ago

@dilidili for our use case the background image should only be set programmatically (there would be no button on the interface for the user to set or hide the background). But the regular image button that exists currently would still be there. Thanks.

gabrielguilhoto commented 2 years ago

@dilidili And something I hadn't mentioned: the background image should be present on the saved image.

dilidili commented 2 years ago

Hi @gabrielguilhoto , I've release the 0.5.0-beta.0 version which add the initialBackground and enableBackground props. Please help to test some use cases.

gabrielguilhoto commented 2 years ago

@dilidili thank you very much! The background image is appearing on the canvas and being saved properly. I noticed the following issues:

  1. The image is stretched to fit the canvas:
Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 09 56 16 (1)

We would like the original image dimensions to be preserved.

  1. When zooming in or out, the image stays fixed but the drawing changes. That leads to the drawing being misplaced:


The zoom should be applied to the background image as well. If, by any chance, that is hard to implement, it would be ok if the zoom could be disabled.

  1. If I open a board with a background image, close it and then open it with another image, the first background image is shown instead of the second one.

  2. I tested the initialBackground prop without the useBackground prop. I understood that the useBackground prop enables a button to set the background but it's not necessary to set a background programatically, right? Then I would call it something like showBackgroundButton, to make it clear that only the button is affected.

Thanks again for all the help!

dilidili commented 2 years ago

Hey @gabrielguilhoto, I've modified the RDB as you suggested on version 0.5.0-beta.1 and the useBackground has been renamed to showBackgroundTool. Feel free to let me know if there are any other requirements!

gabrielguilhoto commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot @dilidili! It works great now.

gabrielguilhoto commented 2 years ago

@dilidili would it be possible to move the new feature to the master branch?

tungdau93 commented 2 years ago

@dilidili can u merge new feature into the master branch? Thanks

tungdau93 commented 2 years ago

@gabrielguilhoto I wanna apply into my project, but I cann't build it on the master branch with command: npm run build. Can u help me? pls

gabrielguilhoto commented 2 years ago

@gabrielguilhoto I wanna apply into my project, but I cann't build it on the master branch with command: npm run build. Can u help me? pls

Hi @tungdau93, have you tried including the following commits when building?


If that does not work, what error message do you get?

tungdau93 commented 2 years ago

@gabrielguilhoto thank bro. I dit it. But I wonder: when pass initialBackground props -> my background only = 1/2 canvas, it's not full background. Where can I check it? Can u help me.

initialBackground: https://upanh.org/image/209Qi0

image after initialBackground loaded: https://upanh.org/image/209Qi0

tungdau93 commented 2 years ago

@gabrielguilhoto I always want to set initialBackground full 100% canvas. So I can check it in function drawBackgroundImage of ImageTool.tsx, right?

PariaNajafi commented 1 year ago

hi, is there a prop to eraser don`t erase background pic?

bunpitak-inno5 commented 1 year ago

@tungdau93 same problem here can solve now?