dillongoostudios / goo-engine

Custom build of blender with some extra NPR features.
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Still, get a jagged edge after turning on self-shading with Goo Engine 4.0 #44

Open superaert opened 1 year ago

superaert commented 1 year ago

So Im using goo engine 4.0 for the first time, but while following a tutorial from (3) Getting Started with Goo Engine - Key Features - YouTube

I noticed that I still get these jagged edges, after following everything from the tutorial. Is there anything I have done wrong or did the setup change since the tutorial? I also compiled the software if that had anything to do with it.

Screenshot (494)

Screenshot (492)

dillongoos commented 1 year ago

Those jagged edges aren't from the self shadows, but from the cast shadows! They're rasterized so it depends on resolution and light size. Try turning the Shadow Cascade Map to 4096 and the Sun angle parameter to 0.0



superaert commented 1 year ago

Ah ok! I tried this and it seems to smooth them out! (still noticeable from a close distance but you could have to zoom in pretty far to see it) Thank you!