dillongoostudios / goo-engine

Custom build of blender with some extra NPR features.
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its not issue since there is no other role to chose and the pull request fix is not merged #84

Open bisher13 opened 6 months ago

bisher13 commented 6 months ago

its not issue since there is no other role to choose and the pull request fix is not merged so this will be the reference to people who doesnt know too much about problem solving :

some people have issue with :: 1-make update --> this issue happend if you not installed git application which i dont realised 2- make issue or " std/c++ 20 atleast "--> and this happend with people that have VS 2022 installed or above for this issue you just need to install MSVC 2019 build tools for c++ for dekstop development by modify your VS 2022 in VS installer

these were solution for my problems please reaction on this post to make the dev support VS2022 since blender support it