dillonkearns / incrementalelm.com

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when-it-compiles-but-doesnt-work/ #26

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

When It Compiles, But Doesn't Work

In Elm code, "if it compiles, it works." Does that come for free? Let's see if we can find Elm code where "it compiles, but it doesn't work" to see what we can learn about writing maintainable Elm code.


dillonkearns commented 2 years ago

What do you think people mean when they say "if it compiles, it works?"

We wouldn't expect an app to compile and magically fill in their business logic. But we do expect no runtime exceptions (in practice). So what's left in between?

I'd be curious to hear what "if it compiles, it works" means to you.