dima74 / intellij-indent-rainbow

Extension which shows indentation with a faint rainbow colored background to make them more readable
GNU General Public License v3.0
64 stars 13 forks source link

dart可否优化啊 #15

Closed qingweiSun closed 4 years ago

qingweiSun commented 4 years ago


dima74 commented 4 years ago

@qingweiSun thanks for report! Could you please provide full file?

Also here is relevant excerpt from FAQ:

Q: Why indent is highlighted in red?
A: Plugin highlights indent in red based on default IntelliJ formatter. If some line is highlighted in red, it means that after "Reformat Code" action this line indent will be changed. So you have four options:

1) Reformat your code 2) Configure your code style 3) Enable checkbox "Never highlight indent as error" in settings 4) Use "simple highlighter" (not recommended)

Please let me know whether it helps. Thanks!

qingweiSun commented 4 years ago

1:Invalid reformat 2:Use "simple highlighter" (not recommended)