dimagoltsman / generic-remote-control-card

Generic Remote control card for HACS
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How can I make the Apple TV Remote transparent #40

Open usingapc opened 1 year ago

usingapc commented 1 year ago


I have tried removing the white background from the Apple TV Remote and resaving with a transparent background but can't find a way to actually achieve this. It seems like the image is loaded correctly with transparent background but the dashboard still shows the white background. I'm editing the images in the /www/community/generic-remote-control-card/remotes/apple4kremote folder. What am I doing wrong?


stain3565 commented 8 months ago

Not sure if this will help but I had issues for some time with changes not being reflected. Eventually, I realised that the cache was the issue. I use Chrome browser and needed to ensure that "Tools(3 vertical dots)>More Tools>Developer Tools" was always open when refreshing the dashboard and the "Settings>Preferences>Network>Disable cache (while Dev Tools is open)" option in DevTools is ticked. This meant that every png file change was reflected after browser page refresh.

Then, when my png files with transparent backgrounds were saved, just the non-transparency was displayed. Not sure about other browsers but worth checking if cache can be turned off.