dimatura / pypcd

PCL pcd fileformat i/o in Python
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Multiple errors while trying to convert binary pcd file #38

Open boazMgm opened 1 year ago

boazMgm commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm using Pypcd version 0.1.1 and python 3.8.10 I'm getting multiple errors while trying to parse binary pcd file (Nuscenes). the one I'm stuck on right now is in line 282: if ln.startswith('DATA'): TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str

The code should understand if this is binary or ascii. Is there a solution or a different version that works? btw, just changing to (b'DATA') will create an error in a different place.


joelosw commented 1 year ago

Hi, since this project seems to be inactive I forked it and started to improve some things. You can find it here: pypcd-imp or install it right away via pip install pypcd_imp. If the issue is still present there feel free to reopen it in my repo and I will try to fix it.