dimdenGD / OldTweetDeck

Returns old TweetDeck, for free!
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Unexpected logout after long sessions #213

Open lemoncmd opened 4 months ago

lemoncmd commented 4 months ago

After keeping TweetDeck open for extended periods (10+ hours), it automatically logs me out unexpectedly.

NotZoeyDev commented 4 months ago

Having the same issues here, it's been happening for the past day or so.

wulong2020 commented 4 months ago

Having the same issues here

dimdenGD commented 4 months ago

I can't confirm this is caused by using OldTweetDeck, if you search, you'll see a lot of people getting locked out for no reason and they use normal Twitter, so this might be just a random issue

PinballsWizard commented 4 months ago

anecdotal evidence: every time i load OldTweetDeck within a few hours i'm logged out

if i simply do not load OldTweetDeck anywhere then i remain logged in

it may be something like a search column updating that's hitting a limit and forcing the logout, but i'm uncertain exactly. i tried disabling the rate limit bypass, but i am still logged out

confusingly, using OldTweetDeck with a separate setup in a container in firefox with different accounts i have not yet been logged out

WhereTheTimeWent commented 4 months ago

Are we talking about logging out as in you're not logged into Twitter, but after a login is everything fine


your account gets locked/temporarily banned and you have to solve a captcha?

PinballsWizard commented 4 months ago

Are we talking about logging out as in you're not logged into Twitter, but after a login is everything fine


your account gets locked/temporarily banned and you have to solve a captcha?

in my case it is usually the former, the first time and one other time i had to solve a rock counting puzzle

WhereTheTimeWent commented 4 months ago

in my case it is usually the former, the first time and one other time i had to solve a rock counting puzzle

This could also be a different issue like your cookie (login) getting lost. Maybe create a new browser profile and see if you can reproduce it with that.

culturedniichan commented 4 months ago

Just happened to me. Food for thought: I keep old tweetdeck open in 3 different pinned tabs, in 3 different Firefox containers, for 3 accounts I have but want to keep totally separate.

I only got logged out of one of them, even if all have been open for the same time. However, the one I got logged out from does have a lot more traffic (mentions, home timeline) than the other two.

Also, some people mention +10 hours. I must have logged in at around 8 am and it's 11 hours now since then.

PinballsWizard commented 4 months ago

in my case it is usually the former, the first time and one other time i had to solve a rock counting puzzle

This could also be a different issue like your cookie (login) getting lost. Maybe create a new browser profile and see if you can reproduce it with that.

this is unlikely to be the case, nevertheless in the last hour i created a new profile to test and was again logged out, this time asked to complete more puzzles

i have a second account in a separate tab container and that account does not encounter this issue, the account that is experiencing the issue does have more traffic

it is also worth mentioning that bettertweetdeck is also installed, i'll try testing again with that disabled edit: this logged me out even faster, if the thinking is there's a limit being exceeded it seems unlikely BTD would be part of the problem, and my time to logout in testing now has more to do with already being close to the limit

rjdoerz commented 4 months ago

This has been happening to me for the past 3 days. Basically after a few hours a message flashes across the top of the screen: "TweetDeck no longer has permission to access your main login account. You will be logged out to prevent unauthorized access." Then after a few seconds, it logs me out.

Most of the time I can sign back in without issue. But two times my account was locked for "suspicious activity" and I had to do a rock counting captcha.

Just to note, my usage with twitter consists solely of tweetdeck being open on a separate monitor. I only use one account and I don't have any extra tabs open or anything connected to twitter's main site. It's literally just tweetdeck idle for a few hours followed by a random log out.

I wanted to actually contact twitter's support about my account being locked, but their support page is so trash that it's impossible to file any ticket and contact anyone.

perigozin commented 4 months ago

It's been happening all day, it says I have conducted suspicious activity as others have said.

culturedniichan commented 4 months ago

Just happened to me. Food for thought: I keep old tweetdeck open in 3 different pinned tabs, in 3 different Firefox containers, for 3 accounts I have but want to keep totally separate.

I only got logged out of one of them, even if all have been open for the same time. However, the one I got logged out from does have a lot more traffic (mentions, home timeline) than the other two.

Also, some people mention +10 hours. I must have logged in at around 8 am and it's 11 hours now since then.

Also yesterday, when I checked my phone, I had to solve one of those rock count catchpas.

Dunno, I may have to stop using old tweetdeck for a while if we confirm it's related to it, as I don't want my account being suspended over suspicious activity, whatever that may be. Probably some Elmo attempt to limit number of API calls to save money.

EZ2Alpa commented 4 months ago

Hi, I had the same phenomenon. I have two PCs and I am running one account on each of them. I use the same state data on both computers, but one day, when I closed OldTweetDeck on the subdomain and made the official application (using Old Twitter Layout) idle, I saw a forced logout without account lock.

The time when the forced logout occurred is unknown, but there is a suspicious access response even after a while after closing OldTweetDeck.

I've also had two account locks occur on one account at the time of the occurrence, I don't know if dimden will address this, but at this time it is recommended to be patient and use Old Twitter Layout for a while until an improved version comes along.

(In the worst case scenario, it might not be surprising that this extension could be Outdated if the account lock improvement is not addressed...)

GoldenLumia commented 4 months ago

On my end it seems to happen much faster if the rate limit bypass option is enabled. Possible it's related to that.

dimdenGD commented 4 months ago

I saw some tweets that search column might be causing it, can't confirm it

GoldenLumia commented 4 months ago

I saw some tweets that search column might be causing it, can't confirm it

I use several search columns, so that's definitely a possibility. I'll delete those columns for a bit and see how it responds.

Trying to log in immediately after seeing the forced logout message greets me with this as well. Possible they made this some sort of blanket protection against getting around the rate limit? 2024-03-12_09-08-23

queersplaystuff commented 4 months ago


i have two separate instances of OTD running with two different accounts. only one of these has been affected by the random log outs. the only meaningful difference i can think of is, as suggested on the pop up, the use of search columns on my affected account.

Xeli0701 commented 4 months ago

Had the same issue, 2 random logouts and 1 account lock. I deleted the search column( for my egosearch ), then the random logouts & account lock didn't happen anymore now.

HeyitsNik commented 4 months ago

I have this issue for a couple of days now. I am logged out several times a day, sometimes within short intervals. I thought about what I changed before the issue appeared. The only thing I could think of, I added a hashtag column (search column). The hashtag has a few tweets, but not a gigantic amount - no more than I have had in other columns (lists) before.

Update: I just saw it happen. Tweetdeck gave me a message on the top of the window: "TweetDeck no longer has permission to access your main login account @ accountname. You will be logged out to prevent unauthorized access." before i got logged out.

yuiduki commented 4 months ago

I have 2 accounts in different browsers, using 2 different PCs to view OldTweetDeck 24 hours a day and have not seen this happen. It is the search column that is suspicious, but I think it is the User column that is most suspicious.

After TweetDeck broke before, I reached the rate limit after less than a day of displaying the User column and the search column. Even when I add myself to the user column, I was still stuck at the rate limit, the User column consumes the rate limit of the search. After adding myself and one other person to the list and displaying them, the rate limit has never been caught.

JP Translated DeepL

isik5 commented 4 months ago

No random logouts for me so far.

fREAST commented 4 months ago

No logouts for me, I have TweetDeck (OTD) open 24/7 with multiple search columns active

isik5 commented 4 months ago

No logouts for me, I have TweetDeck (OTD) open 24/7 with multiple search columns active

Same! I have like 10 search columns

Rooooooobert commented 4 months ago

I have two accs using OTD, both are logged in permanently. One I use a lot (Firefox stable), hardly any logouts. But the other acc (Chrome), which I use rarely, gets looged out various times per day.

juansolana commented 4 months ago

When this happens it is also the case that i'm logged out of my twitter account on the normal twitter with reason "suspected account, and sometimes i can just log in back normally, but on 2 occasions I had to take a challenge test to prove im not some bot or something i guess.

vgmcal commented 4 months ago

I was locked out for "suspicious activity" 2 days in a row and had to complete an Arkose challenge to regain access. I don't actively tweet, but I do use TweetDeck often. I have a total of 3 search columns. This had never happened prior to a couple days ago.

Michal-Szczepaniak commented 4 months ago

It wasn't logging me out but currently it logged me out and i cannot log back in it just goes to black screen with url https://twitter.com/login?hide_message=true&redirect_after_login=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fi%2Ftweetdeck%3Fvia_twitter_login%3Dtrue

EDIT: I went to twitter, logged in, and tweetdeck is back to working condition

Parrelo commented 4 months ago

I was also locked out for "suspicious activity" and I can't log in in X.....

boilinabag commented 4 months ago

FWIW, i'm using brave browser with ublock and ghostery, and have not had this issue. but i dont leave it on for hours, just when i check the news. for me, its working great. windows and linux. oh, and we do use a vpn. the only thing we need to do when we reboot is load the saved state now. takes a second.

Dibface commented 4 months ago

This is actually a longstanding issue I've been experiencing since March 2023. It occurs with such insane frequency, and after being forcibly logged out enough, it locks your account and forces you to do multiple Arkose Challenges (which is beyond annoying).

I have never known what causes them, other than that it is not a question of if, but when. It will always inevitably happen after a given amount of time has passed.

Some other information/notes: I'm using Chrome, I'm using OldTweetDeck, I'm using BetterTweetDeck, I'm using uBlock Origin, I'm using a few addons for Twitter as well.

One is Blue Blocker, an addon that automatically blocks Twitter Blue users: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/blue-blocker/jgpjphkbfjhlbajmmcoknjjppoamhpmm

The other is Control Panel for Twitter, an addon that gives you a lot of control and customization over how Normal Browser Twitter looks (i.e. not using OldTweetDeck) https://github.com/insin/control-panel-for-twitter/

Michal-Szczepaniak commented 4 months ago

Reporitng: got logged out again since my last comment

inoricat commented 4 months ago


Just to add some info, I've been getting logged out every 2 days or so, for the past weeks. I keep the tab loaded every time im at PC, with 2 home tabs, 2 notif tabs, 1 user tab and 1 DM tab.

If I refresh instead of login, and then importState() again, it works, no need to re-login.

Using BTD+OTD, and uBlock. No Search tabs, and I dont use the search bar a lot. No ratelimit patch or anything. Sometimes if I see too many profiles (user columns) it keeps loading indefinetly, probably because of the ratelimit. Other tabs work fine.

Standard twitter with OldTwitter has no issues (sometimes I go in to see links or profiles)

perigozin commented 4 months ago

"Authorization: Denied by access control: To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, this account is temporarily locked. Please log in to https://twitter.com to unlock your account.; Missing LdapGroup(weaverbird-admins)." 😨

vgmcal commented 4 months ago

Update: locked again after a couple days. I noticed this time that I had Tweetdeck open in the background before I got kicked out.

GoldenLumia commented 4 months ago


i have two separate instances of OTD running with two different accounts. only one of these has been affected by the random log outs. the only meaningful difference i can think of is, as suggested on the pop up, the use of search columns on my affected account.

This seems to be my experience as well. I deleted my search columns to test as of the timestamp of my last comment. I haven't been locked out since, rate limit bypass or not. Very odd.

AkaakuHub commented 4 months ago

I suddenly logged out four days ago, but after I found this issue and deleted the search column, it started to work properly maybe. For a while following person goes to 0 but it was fixed.

isik5 commented 4 months ago

I logged out for the first time today and couldn't even logged in to my Twitter account, had to clear cache. Now Tweetdeck is working again but I've lost all my columns, will rearrange them again.

selviano commented 4 months ago

I keep Old Tweetdeck running in Chrome on 3 machines, usually with one machine active and two in sleep mode. The search columns I had were flakey, wouldn't update consistently. And going to Twitter.com and logged in with the account I use for Old Tweetdeck, it regularly wouldn't load tweets because it said I was rate limited. But on Old Tweetdeck, my timeline and Lists would always load and update in real time, so that wasn't a big deal to me.

With the update to Old Tweetdeck a couple weeks ago, where it required us to rebuild our columns, I just didn't re-add any search columns (partially because they were so inconsistent, and partially due to laziness on my part).

But now that I have no active search columns, I've not been logged out once, nor rate limited on Twitter.com

HeyitsNik commented 4 months ago

It gets weirder: yesterday evening i shut down my PC where i'm running OTD on. I've checked Twitter on mobile (Android App, no modifications) a couple of times before i went to bed - no issues. But this morning i've had to solve this rock counting puzzle to log in again which didnt happen on mobile before. Later when i was using OTD on PC again i was logged out again. I was asked for my e-mail plus additionally my phone number or username before my password and 2FA code was requested - which also never happend before. I might stop using OTD for a while and see what happens. I dont wanna lose my account.

EZ2Alpa commented 4 months ago

Good evening. I've tried running OldTweetDeck with the search and user columns removed for verification, When I ran it with the search columns removed, the sub accounts were locked within a day. I also deleted the user column, and after 2 days, the sub account was locked again. And only the sub account is locked more often... I guess it still locks the account even if I delete the user column and the search column... I wonder what is the cause of account lock...

EZ2Alpa commented 4 months ago

Good evening. I've tried running OldTweetDeck with the search and user columns removed for verification, When I ran it with the search columns removed, the sub accounts were locked within a day. I also deleted the user column, and after 2 days, the sub account was locked again. And only the sub account is locked more often... I guess it still locks the account even if I delete the user column and the search column... I wonder what is the cause of account lock...

PS: I tried running Tweetdeck on the main account's PC while Tweetdeck had not been running on the sub-account's PC for a while, and once again the sub-account was locked for the same reason of suspicious activity. There are many theories, but it is highly possible that the account is locked due to "twitter.com" or "api.twitter.com" being checked for access to the site in the extension.

HeyitsNik commented 4 months ago

For me - it helped to remove the search column. I have not been locked out since the removal. I've tried adding search column again and after a short time i've got logged out again. So no more search columns for me right now =/

juansolana commented 4 months ago

For me - it helped to remove the search column. I have not been locked out since the removal. I've tried adding search column again and after a short time i've got logged out again. So no more search columns for me right now =/

this! I used to have 2, sometimes 3 search columns and i would have this problem. Last time i logged in i had to redo all my columns and leave only 1 search column and haven't been logged out anymore

damroyalty commented 4 months ago

i rarely use the search column, like next to never & i also get frequent logouts. so i don't think that is the complete issue. it doesn't matter what i do, i can keep the browsers up while i'm at work, or close them completely, and at some point i get logged out.. so not sure.. like i don't even use it let alone have a search column to remove to see if that is the issue lol

Michal-Szczepaniak commented 4 months ago

As to search column, since my last comment I've not been logged out and I've had one search column and one user column (just throwing info out there for statistics)

dimdenGD commented 3 months ago

I finally implemented the last header that's missing in OldTweetDeck's requests in comparison to Twitter Web App. Generator for it is very obfuscated and is basically a security check done to verify requests are actually made from web app. I really hope it's the culprit since it's basically the only thing that's different from normal requests.

You can get new version here, try using it for some time and report if it fixed logouts for you. Keep in mind that you might still get logged out for a bit since you already made a lot of requests without this header before installing the update.

If you want to confirm header generation is working for you correctly after reinstalling extension, open devtools with F12, go to Network tab, and click on any api.twitter.com request and check if there's x-client-transaction-id header in Request Headers

GoldenLumia commented 3 months ago

I finally implemented the last header that's missing in OldTweetDeck's requests in comparison to Twitter Web App. Generator for it is very obfuscated and is basically a security check done to verify requests are actually made from web app. I really hope it's the culprit since it's basically the only thing that's different from normal requests.

You can get new version here, try using it for some time and report if it fixed logouts for you. Keep in mind that you might still get logged out for a bit since you already made a lot of requests without this header before installing the update.

If you want to confirm header generation is working for you correctly after reinstalling extension, open devtools with F12, go to Network tab, and click on any api.twitter.com request and check if there's x-client-transaction-id header in Request Headers

I've had no issues since re-adding my search columns. Thank you for your hard work <3

EZ2Alpa commented 3 months ago

I updated OldTweetDeck and exported my state data to use it, but within minutes of using it, the subdomain was locked. image

I finally implemented the last header that's missing in OldTweetDeck's requests in comparison to Twitter Web App. Generator for it is very obfuscated and is basically a security check done to verify requests are actually made from web app. I really hope it's the culprit since it's basically the only thing that's different from normal requests.

You can get new version here, try using it for some time and report if it fixed logouts for you. Keep in mind that you might still get logged out for a bit since you already made a lot of requests without this header before installing the update.

If you want to confirm header generation is working for you correctly after reinstalling extension, open devtools with F12, go to Network tab, and click on any api.twitter.com request and check if there's x-client-transaction-id header in Request Headers

dimdenGD commented 3 months ago

Keep in mind that you might still get logged out for a bit since you already made a lot of requests without this header before installing the update.

Please wait 1-2 days after installing update and make sure header is being set for you

EZ2Alpa commented 3 months ago

Keep in mind that you might still get logged out for a bit since you already made a lot of requests without this header before installing the update.

Please wait 1-2 days after installing update and make sure header is being set for you

Thank you very much. I will wait 1~2 days. By the way, I checked the network tab to see if there is a header tab for the x-client-transaction-id of the api.twitter.com request, and it is there.