dimdenGD / OldTwitter

Extension to return old Twitter layout from 2015 / 2018.
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Suggestion: Still show unfollowers despite deleted account, maybe in a new category #265

Open DOODMANO opened 1 year ago

DOODMANO commented 1 year ago

Hi, it would be great to see this over "Seems like everyone in this list deleted their account", as most of the unfollows for me recently are from people who delete or deactivate their account and some of them are mutuals. Even just their former handle is enough.

Some of them have moved to other places where I can still connect with them, while others have started a fresh Twitter account. Some other ones also deactivate temporarily occasionally, so it would be good to see if it is those specific people.

I can understand if you are doing this for privacy issues, but if not, please consider implementing my suggestion :)

Thank you for reading!

dimdenGD commented 1 year ago

Implementation detail: currently it just stores user ids, not actual user data, it fetches data from ids via api every time you visit it, so to do this need to remake [id_str, ...] to [{id_str, screen_name}, ...]