dimforge / rapier

2D and 3D physics engines focused on performance.
Apache License 2.0
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How do I detect collisions between 2 (or more entities) #537

Closed jakelacey2012 closed 9 months ago

jakelacey2012 commented 9 months ago

I have two components in my game a coin and a player, the player looks roughly like the following...

        .insert(TransformBundle::from(Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 30.0, 10.0)))
            SpriteSheetBundle {
                texture_atlas: r_texture_atlas_handle,
                sprite: TextureAtlasSprite::new(r_animation_indices.first),
                transform: Transform::from_xyz(-100.0, 0.0, 0.0),
            AnimationTimer(Timer::from_seconds(0.1, TimerMode::Repeating)),

and the coin looks like this,

            Collider::cuboid(10.0, 10.0),
            SpriteSheetBundle {
                texture_atlas: texture_atlas_handle,
                sprite: TextureAtlasSprite::new(animation_indices.first),
            AnimationTimer(Timer::from_seconds(0.1, TimerMode::Repeating)),

How can I create a system which allows me to detect when these two entities collide (when the player touches the coin?), I currently have a system which looks like the following but it is not working.

fn despawn_coin_on_contact(
    mut commands: Commands,
    players: Query<&CollidingEntities, With<Player>>,
    coins: Query<(), With<Coin>>,
) {
    for colliding_entities in &players {
        for entity in colliding_entities.iter() {
            if coins.contains(entity) {
jakelacey2012 commented 9 months ago

Will raise this in https://github.com/dimforge/bevy_rapier.