dimforge / rapier

2D and 3D physics engines focused on performance.
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Strange performance issue with many colliders #558

Closed paholg closed 3 months ago

paholg commented 7 months ago

I wanted a quick and dirty way of generating levels (with vertical walls, so I believe a heightfield will not work). So, I have a 4-color image, and I create a cuboid collider for each pixel, with color determining height -- the heights are "nothing", "floor", "short wall", and "wall". That code exists here, if you're curious: https://github.com/paholg/gam/blob/6ad7186ebbb1502a94f623f0c28e5f19c4785175/crates/engine/src/level.rs#L62-L120

However, I am noticing significant frame drops for a 100x100 grid. What's more, I'm not sure where those frames are going -- none of my CPU cores are close to maxed out.

I have run a few experiments, and pretty consistently see a frame drop from ~60 fps to half that, even when eliminating most of my game.

If there's any more information I can provide, I would be happy to, or if you'd like me to produce a minimal reproducible example, I can do that. Perhaps it would make sense to reproduce this without bevy_rapier, though I don't believe that's contributing.


Experimental setup: I disabled rendering the terrain cubes (just in case that matters), as well as spawning characters and ran my game for 20 seconds with cargo flamegraph. The game is just some cuboids and some lights at this point, and a bunch of systems with empty queries. I did this with a 50x50 terrain grid, and a 100x100 grid.

With a 50x50 grid (2,500 cuboid colliders):

With a 100x100 grid (10,000 cuboid colliders):




Note: GitHub does not seem to support nice navigation of these. If you'd like to inspect them, I recommend downloading then opening with a browser. Then, for example, searching for "rapier" will highlight everything from this library (and from bevy_rapier).

50x50 grid


100x100 grid


sebcrozet commented 5 months ago

The GenericQbvh::clear_and_rebuild function completely rebuilds the tree used for scene queries. So even if colliders don’t move, it is rebuilt in full, which explains the poor scaling you are observing. QueryPipeline::update_incremental has been introduced to avoid this problem by only rebuild based on a user-defined set of modified colliders.

cybersoulK commented 5 months ago

QueryPipeline::update_incremental (by passing Some(&mut query_pipeline) to Physics::step instead of manually calling update) is currently triggering a panic.

@Ralith i don't think it's related to converting an entity from Kinematic to Dynamic, since in my scene, i only have Static and Dynamic rigid bodies and i don't do any conversion whatsoever, i am guessing it's due to the high quantity of rigid bodies + attached colliders.

https://github.com/dimforge/rapier/issues/532 The issue got solved by this PR. Please merge it! https://github.com/dimforge/parry/pull/169

But still, QueryPipeline::update_incremental has a huge issue, and should not be recommended? https://github.com/dimforge/rapier/issues/466

Also my benchmark of rapier3d and PhysX is likely suffering from these issue (a lot of static rigid bodies / with respective colliders) https://youtu.be/ufKnFjdmuyc

even with the PR, and using QueryPipeline::update_incremental, it didn't solve the performance issue. I would love to run the tests again if things improve in favour of Rapier3d, but i am not sure where the issue might be