dimforge / rapier

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Aabb type is not properly re-exported from Parry #574

Closed kvark closed 5 months ago

kvark commented 6 months ago

Looks like we are re-exporting the type - https://docs.rs/rapier3d/latest/rapier3d/geometry/type.Aabb.html But we aren't doing the same for traits implemented by the type, most importantly - https://docs.rs/parry3d/0.13.1/parry3d/bounding_volume/struct.Aabb.html#impl-BoundingVolume-for-Aabb

This limitation makes it impossible to use the Aabb type without also depending on Parry3d explicitly.

sebcrozet commented 5 months ago

Good point, I will add the re-exports. Note that rapier re-exports parry as rapier3d::parry so an explicit dependency to parry3d should already not be necessary.