[root@CQC-SALESDB-1 lib64]# /app/pgloader-bundle-3.6.9/bin/pgloader /tmp/1.ctl
WARNING: Setting locale failed.
Check the following variables for correct values:
2024-04-02T17:56:34.010000+08:00 LOG pgloader version "3.6.9"
DB-CONNECTION-ERROR: Failed to connect to pgsql at "" (port 5432) as user "sales": The alien function "TLS_method" is undefined.
An unhandled error condition has been signalled:
Failed to connect to pgsql at "" (port 5432) as user "sales": The alien function "TLS_method" is undefined.
What I am doing here?
Failed to connect to pgsql at "" (port 5432) as user "sales": The alien function "TLS_method" is undefined.
[root@CQC-SALESDB-1 lib64]# /app/pgloader-bundle-3.6.9/bin/pgloader /tmp/1.ctl WARNING: Setting locale failed. Check the following variables for correct values: LANG=EN_US 2024-04-02T17:56:34.010000+08:00 LOG pgloader version "3.6.9" KABOOM! DB-CONNECTION-ERROR: Failed to connect to pgsql at "" (port 5432) as user "sales": The alien function "TLS_method" is undefined. An unhandled error condition has been signalled: Failed to connect to pgsql at "" (port 5432) as user "sales": The alien function "TLS_method" is undefined.
What I am doing here?
Failed to connect to pgsql at "" (port 5432) as user "sales": The alien function "TLS_method" is undefined.