dimitri / pgloader

Migrate to PostgreSQL in a single command!
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MSSQL to PGSQL table and field names case insensitive #1597

Open Triskae opened 1 month ago

Triskae commented 1 month ago

Hello guys, I'm trying to migrate all data from MSSQL to PGSQL, everything works fine, the data is migrated.

The problem is I don't understand why the case is not respected, for example if I have a table named MailType in source database, I expected pgloader to create the table with same name. Instead, it creates indeed the table, but named "mailtype".

Anyone knows how to get over it ?

Thanks a lot

Nop, not tried, but does not seem to be a bug, I'm probably missing some config.

    FROM mssql://username:password@localhost/source-db-name
    INTO pgsql://username:passwordlocalhost/destination-db-name

I'm expecting to have in the destination database, the table created with the exact same name as in source database, in this case "MailType" instead of "mailtype"

Triskae commented 1 month ago

Up ? As anyone any info about this issue ?