dimitriosxmi / ArtistsReferenceOrganizer

Neue Fische Capstone Project
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Feature/us4/new folder button and form #14

Closed dimitriosxmi closed 1 year ago

dimitriosxmi commented 1 year ago

Please take a moment to review :heart:

Goal: US4 TL; DR New folder button at dashboard that navigates to /new-folder and contains New folder form with submit button that sends data to the database aka: Screenshot_3 and navigates back to Dashboard / route on success!


+ Add  FolderIcon svg
+ Add PlusIcon svg
! Update components/svg/index,js
# Exports the added svg's.

+ Add NewFolderButton component
# Navigate to /new-folder route.

! Update pages/index.js
# Apply NewFolderButton component.

+ Add NewFolderForm componnent
# Form to create to setup new folders and push them to the database. (see screenshot above)

+ Add pages/new-folder.js
# Page to render and use NewFolderForm component.

+ Add api/folder.js
# Handles POST request

+ Add Folder.js model
+ Add db/connect.js
# Boilderplate code for mongoDB connection from here:
# https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/canary/examples/with-mongodb-mongoose/lib/dbConnect.js

! Update package.json && package-lock.json
# npm install mongoose.

! Update Breadcrumb component
# Miniscule styling changes.

! Update BackButton component
# Miniscule styling changes.

! Update RecentUploads component
# Miniscule styling changes.

! Update SideBar component
# Miniscule styling changes.

! Update SideBarButton component
# Miniscule styling changes.

- Delete api/hello.js
- # Useless.
dimitriosxmi commented 1 year ago


The real review consists of 140 line changes (styled components excluded)..

Don't be intimidated from the almost 500 line changes package-lock.json did its thing again 😋 Only go ahead and reveiw the following files: NewFolderButton and NewFolderForm componnents Folder model folder.js API page new-folder.js page

also feel free to skip reading the styled components