dimitriv / Ziria

A domain-specific-language and compiler for low-level bitstream processing.
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Cryptic error message #98

Open bradunov opened 9 years ago

bradunov commented 9 years ago

fun external deturbo(BlockLen:int16, input1:arr int8, input2:arr int8, input3:arr int8) : arr[6144] bit;

produces the following error, which is very cryptic:

$ make DEFINES="-DTEST=1 " EXTRAOPTS=" --bounds-check" ../../Library/C/CompilerVS/preprocesscompile-vs.sh test_decodeTurbo.zir test_decodeTurbo.out test_decodeTurbo.zir "/cygdrive/c/Users/bozidar/Documents/Code/SDR/Ziria/LTE/Library/Ziria/LTE_lib.zir" (line 6, column 14): unexpected variable "deturbo" expecting "=" ExitFailure 1 Makefile:32: recipe for target 'test_decodeTurbo.out' failed make: *\ [test_decodeTurbo.out] Error 1